Tuesday, December 3, 2019

I'm Potent

Let's test my Metaphor.

I claim "trump is Cancer" >>therefore, he and his minions, the American Senate and republicans in general, must also be Cancer.

Not let's get "Site Specific" and be forewarned this is about to get "tight".

I "had", and may still "have" Prostate Cancer.  Let's refer to my Prostate as the democratic party.  The republi-cans , the shit- cans are as a Cancer on the Body Politic represented by the democ-rats.  Medical Science KNOWS that Prostate Cancer can SHORTEN ONE'S LIFE.  Now, what can neutralize the shit-can Cancer ?  Excision, removal of the Prostate, [THAT was never an option for me] OR, Radiation Bombardment.  Either Way, SOMETHING "had to be done".  The Body Politic COULD NOT sustain that shit-can Cancer.  In other words, republican Cancer is a vast and rabid DETRIMENT to the Body Politic. 

Ideally the shit-can Cancer was to be Radiationally DESTROYED, leaving behind a Clean but severely wounded Prostate.  Doctor Prostate alarmed, "You're gonna become Impotent". 
The Radiation Bombardment that was-gonna KILL the Cancer, was gonna render me IMPOTENT.

Let that sink in.

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