Sunday, December 15, 2019

Quality of Strife

I've yet to temper my Salvation Complex.  It's gotten worse because these days I REFUSE to allow "Good" and Evil" to enter as Components to Sound Reasoning.  Claiming trump is "Evil" does no one ANY "good".  As soon as you "make" "Good" you make Evil as well.  Simmering on the Lexicon "back-burner" is the Orwellian / Persigian "High Quality <> Low Quality".  Here, one's HEALTH can be used as Universal Standard.  Still, it (to explain and describe Abnormal Negativity) is perplexing.  What ISN'T  perplexing is devising Counter-Measures since they (already) exist almost as Mathematical Formulaic Absolutes.  [ Losing Weight < = >  Increasing your caloric Output while Decreasing your caloric Input] . 

Modern Times have generated Political Toxicity, a Toxicity that drains us of Life Fulfilling Tranquility, and POISONS us with Sub-Human Cruelty on the Level PARALLEL to Hitler's Nazi Germany.  Trump is about to CONDEMN MILLIONS to Starvation by REMOVING Human Compassion from the Honor and Dignity of American Democracy that of Food Stamps for the Less Fortunate and Poverty Stricken.  His senators remain loyal. 

I am beside myself with Rage and Fury.

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