I can't finish this---I don't WANT to finish this.
I am plagued by a Past that is itself a Plague. I have bound myself to It.
There was a Chance here, with this, to state >> forcibly State<<< the Why's of my incessant NEED to reside in Penitence, to condemn myself, my Selves, to a Life without Parole---. Isn't this the Way of the Knight's of Olde, to reside in God's "Grace" >> that of Humility and morbid Calumny ? What right have I to be Free ? Are we not bound by Original SIN ? Is not the Universe one of Religious CONTAMINATION ?
Here now the AA Infection ... "But for the Grace of God" it could have been ME who slaughtered that Poor Innocent.
How can there be Expiation ?????
There CANNOT nor should there be.
Rock steady........steady as We go...
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