Sunday, December 29, 2019


There were times when Fury not only caused inner conflagration but spread to the Outside World scaring the Living and Dead Shit our of Innocent Onlookers.  Those days were Early Kung Fu Days, Days of a quiet but aggressive Humility that REEKED of an Arrogance EASILY detected by Others who also had "Chips on their shoulders".  Gunslingers, spoiling for a confrontation.  Some of those Onlookers wondered about me, the OBVIOUS if not flat-out BLATANT Disregard for PURE Humility, the GOOD Kind, the one where Kindness, Compassion,, and Caring,,, were its TRUE "Elements" and those that SHOULD have DOMINATED whatever Street Intelligence I relied upon.  It didn't.  I use to be asked, "You got all this training, why are you so fucking fucked-up ?"  I would scowl in contempt and walk away.

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