Tuesday, December 17, 2019


I've taken the time to portray our Nation as The Body Politic, a "Body" which has a Mind, The Government.  Here, "It" is One Body, ONE Mind" in the Ancient Tradition of War-Time Generalship.  The GREATEST Generals see their Army as ONE "Entity".  I MUST impress upon you Kidz the Essential IMPORTANCE of perceiving the nation >OUR Nation<as one Body one Mind.  Once I establish that Significance I can point out various maladies, rashes sickness and Diseases that afflict OUR Body and OUR Mind.  "IT" allows US the Latitude of "The Nation is ME" and "I am the Nation".  Can you now see how trump "makes his shit work" ?   Thing is, he's sick, REALLY FUCKING SICK.  Thing is, He REJECTS all Medicine. 

Isn't that "true" of Us as well ? 

There's a word for that                          Apathy.

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