Monday, December 2, 2019

Conned Fusion

We live a hardscrabble existence of scratch and claw, the One were just making a Living, finding suitable employment that ISN'T Slavery and then finding a suitable Mate with whom you can scratch and claw, SEEMS to be, to appear as, ALL THAT MATTERS.  To me and gize like me  It isn't.

It's no secret that I write (rite, ryte, right) to influence you Kidz by introducing, when appropriate, Zen Buddhism as a means of Personal Salvation.  "Salvation" in THIS context means to be at Peace with your own Head, where "Head" means Mind.  Getting a "GOOD" Job and finding your ONE are ESSENTIAL to this Peace of Mind.  But look around.  Folks with GREAT jobs and SUPER-GREAT Partners seem just as distressed as the rest of Us.  Unfulfilled, Dis-Satisfied, Incomplete, Disconnected, dour adjectives each and every, describe Us and our Civilization.  Call Captain Obvious because SOMETHING IS MISSING. 

It is the same for The Body Politic that THAT which manifests PERSONAL Salvation as POLITICAL Expediency.  Clearly it AINT Happening !  Look at the American President.

Go ahead.......Look.

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