Friday, December 6, 2019

"The Daze Of Our Lives"

A couple of days ago, where "days" is code for DAZE, I sat before my beloved TEE VEE and I became overwhelmed by a Sensation of FINALITY, the DEATH Kind, the Kind where my inevitable demise washed over me as ABYSMAL Inundation.  I felt as if my molecules were being drawn from me and guess what they were being drawn IN-TO >>>>>>  (    ) .  Yup <<   The goddamn TEE VEE.  Geezus fucking Krist  ARE YOU KIDDING ME ???  Was my  "END " to be personal demolecularization the result of TEE VEE as "BLACK HOLE" ???   I shuddered.   What a fucked-uP
"Way To Go". 

I'm 67 but I FEEL like I'm 67 and a HALF.  There I was, trying to Save Humankind by watching the TEE VEE, monitoring the news outlets soes I could establish sat least ONE Topic for the Next Day's
Consideration, and all I was "getting" was a shove off the Cliff of Just Now. 

Was TEE VEE "sucking" the Life from me ?

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