Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Body Politic

Also Yesterday, I generated a Metaphor that I could use to promote MY understanding, an Understanding that includes MY Desire to Save The World From Itself and an Ancillary, to INFLUENCE you Gize toward a Zen Buddhist Orientation, an Orientation that manifests as Spiritual Common Sense.  The "Thing" about Metaphor, it's gotta work, and work under ALMOST all "Conditions".  If it FAILS to induce Comprehension, then OBVIOUSLY the Metaphor is flawed, at which point it becomes useless at best, at worse, pathetic. 

I used the so-called "Body Politic" to convey the American Collective Consciousness [Conscience] (Con  [with]  Science i.e.,  with Science) and its conjoined, American Electorate, in order to convey a One-Ness, "One Land, Land of the Brave, HOME of the Free", a One-Ness that, at present, is Fractured, Splintered and Fractal-ed, because of a rabid Schizophrenia  the result of GENERATIONS of  WAR, Media Bombardment in the form of Propaganda, both Commercial and Political, and a Cult Specific Apathy, the DE-Generation of Self, the one that manifests as Ego-Centricity. 
The Utopia of,  "We are all created Equal" MEANS We all have HUMAN Form.

I needed to start with THAT.

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