I have TH R EE thermometers in my Cave, I have F O U R clocks >>>> SEVERAL lamps and TW O heat sources. Remember that Schizophrenia I cherish ? I'm thinkin' I NEED all those items bc of my MULTIPLE PERSONALITIES . Each one of my Steve's NEEDS his own Item. You Gize think YOU have issues ???!!! ?????
Yesterday I watched Nancy Pelosi wield Catholic WRATH. "DON'T YOU DARE ACCUSE ME WITH THE WORD 'HATE' !!! "
Only a few moments later there was Joe Biden >> "YOU'RE A LIAR !!" <<
I had to hold back my FURY.
When does "Dislike INTENSELY" "get to" "Hate" ???
Biden simply swung and missed. He called the man a Liar but the asshole's statement was a simple parallel ... almost an analogy.
Joe ain't no Street Fighter. Nancy ain't no Saint.
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