The New American Ideal Citizen has a broad 4 Position "Stance". I have described it as Mind, Body,, Heat,,, and Soul and further included the Ancient Chinese Lao Tzu's, "The Empire is based upon the Individual", aided by Hesse attenuation of, "A Society rests upon its Artists and its Criminals"~~~ at least I HOPE I read that in Hesse's Works. The New American Citizen devotes Energy to Meditation, Intellectual Pursuits, Physical Training and my fav ART. [Art is my middle name, so there's THAT].
My PLAN is to influence EVERYONE with Zen Buddhist Tradition. For the Wary, Zen "is like" A.A.'s "K.I.S.S" > "Keep It Simple Stupid"< only Zen is THAT but on STEROIDS as well. Zen is Common Sense Spirituality == "I draw water, I carry wood", but with the dimension of Mysticism included as Mystical Experience, "I draw water, I carry wood." "I wash the dishes, then dry them." "I put my laundry in the washing machine, when the cycle is completed, I move them to the dryer."
It's THAT.
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