Tuesday, December 3, 2019


"Damned if you do, damned if you don't" ISN'T "valid" in this instance. Although the PC was gonna neutralize my dick ANYWAY  why not just "gut it out" and save myself from Radiation Bombardment - Debilitation resulting ?   Why NOT let the shit-cans "have their way" and let the Cancer "take its course" a course that will eventuate as Cancer Death as well ? You know the answer,
"Quality of Life".  Short Term disaster is NULLIFIED by Long Term Health.  So simple --it's stupit.

The rats' "Indecision" in whether or not to Fight by Mirroring shit-can "tactics" has resulted in Political Impotence.  Here, Radiational Bombardment is preferred.  The Bombardment of Social Media, Twitter as Canon, Face-book as Nuke, actually MIRRORS trump's Campaign of Terror. 

Here's the Deal with that ---as Humans WE UNDERSTAND TERROR.

We also understand NUCLEAR DEVASTATION. 
As much as I HATE IT
The A Bomb ended WW II.

Are we to be free of its Affects ? 

No     fucking     way   .

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