I am loathe to record my AA experiences since they are suppose to be SEVERELY Personal, yet there are times when the Burden of Universal Transgression MUST be imposed upon All Of US even the Innocent. I have a "Love / Hate" Relationship with AA. I live in diametric OPPOSITION to its APOLITICAL Policy of NON-Confrontation i.e., AA members are NEVER advised to ask WHY since the Essence of AA is that of a Cult of Sobriety---[as Cults go, "It's one of the BEST"], but my Opposition causes an Exhaustion of Frustration --- sometimes the Litany of Cliches GRATES against not just my Heart but my SOUL as well. One of mt AA Heroes defined it for me --- "If you're still addicted to cigarettes, you aint done, you remain an ADDICT". In short, to be "Clean" means to be TOTALLY "Clean".
There's THAT --- but Last Night it was sheer AGONY.
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