The title is a phrase I chanced upon in one of George Orwell's "Essays". I am a collocator , guilty of collocation. This morning, when I awoke , I did NOT know I was guilty of collocation. Life sucks, you get old and then you learn you're a collocutionist. Did NOT see that coming OBVIOUSLY.
I had every GOOD Intention to review my scant knowledge of Orwellian Socialism in an attempt to provide REASONABLE access to Orwellian Governmental Ideology. Instead, as I was reading the Table of Contents, I saw; "Politics And The English Language">> I turned to its pages and there I was, underlined, scribbled, scrawled and notated within ORWELL'S Mind ! I continued to read MYSELF and ALL THE RONG THINGS WRITERS WRITE, the Kind that moved Orwell to badmouth "Our Own."
I was taken aback when I read this , "If you use ready-made phrases, you not only don't have to hunt about for words ; you also don't have to bother with the rhythms of your sentences, since these phrases are generally so arranged as to be more or less euphonious."
In a crackheadzillion YEARS I wouldn't be caught DEAD with that italicized segment as part of ANY Sentence Structure.
That particular mendicant copy of collocation is as VULGAR as vocables can "get".
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