Friday, December 6, 2019

The ASS in World CLASS

I LOVE to keep my Standards UN-OBTAINABLE  > ~ < That way I can experience SUCCESS at GRANDIOSE Failure.  ALL of us want to be Successful.  I EXCEL at the Success of Failure.  For a while, for a   L----------O--------------N------------G  "while" I've had a hankering to be considered by INTELLIGENT Others as possessing a "World Class Mind".  "It" happened after seeing "A Beautiful Mind".  I decided I want that "Pen".  You know what the Problem is ?    Yup.  I mite  not got me no World Class Mind.   Know what Else I want ?  The "Nobel Prize for Literature".  I've yet to rite a book, but I've had EVERY GOOD INTENTION to do so.  That's a broad spectrum LIE !!!!  I've been Journaling since my First Day at U. CONN.  What I need to do is simply edit.  It's so simple I'm stupid.  Thing is--  I don't consider myself to be Universally Interesting. 

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