Sunday, December 15, 2019


The uP-stairs is vacuumed, I just finished lifting,, the Tools Museum is in order,,, I changed the propane tank,,,, there's no need to prepare kim chee,,,,, and there's nothing good on TV ~~~~~~ I've run out of excuses : so here I am.

Since the cessation of Radiation Bombardment I have "improved" to somewhere around 70% >> that means I've been able to get in a couple of Afternoon "Sessions" the one that involves hitting the Speed Bag, foot hops, and THINKING about hitting my 40 pound Everlast just in-case a Th r ee  or 4 year old gets "feisty" with me.  I started the sit-up regimen with infrequent results--I only haf-ta get to 50 Total.  Push-ups are at 20 I have NO desire to add more.  Sadly, my Sword Work remains non-existent.  My left knee is un-use-able-- just Basic Motion # 5 "Stepping"> is a challenge I've yet to accept.  My body weight is FINALLY stable at a buck-79 nothing I'm proud of BUT I can still "FLY" over and on water for FIFTY Yards, THAT I AM Proud of ^^ being 68 and soon to be in my Sixty-9th Year.

I think my Hero, the GREAT Historian Plutarch, would approve (I thank Zeus, He's dead).

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