Tuesday, December 17, 2019


I have so much to do today, check that, there's so much I COULD do~~~ but it's rainy and cold, and I mean 32 degrees Cold, there's snow and sleet on everything and the VERY BIG THING I had planned is IMPOSSIBLE >>> not only that <<<  the shit I MUST do in the Tools' Room, shit that needs IMMEDIATE Attention,  I'll just postpone to INDEFINITELY, with the expectation that Indefinitely will arrive "when it does". 

X-Mess is here.  I urge you Folks to read my "This Morning" on Twitter @ desilva_stephen so you can understand the title. 

I had plans to continue the Topic of a couple of days ago, but I got one-hit HY yesterday and some shit surfaced that's well worth considering.

We, as in America, need a new Consciousness, a COSMIC Consciousness (a 1920's phrase, believe it or don't) and in MY mind the ONLY "Way" to achieve this Cosmic Consciousness is through sheer Force of WILL.  Will Power.

What I have is "WON'T Power" so there's gonna be "Fraught". 

Will Power is WANT Power.  From the 80's "You gotta wanna".

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