Tuesday, December 3, 2019


Yesterday I left with the Puritans.  I NEED you Kidz to see WHY.

The Puritans did NOT bring Slavery with them nor did they encounter Slavery among the Indigenous.

We do NOT have to understand the ORIGIN of Slavery, we need only understand that WHITE Europeans could NOT "Imagine" a Life of Wealth and Luxury that did NOT depend upon Slavery in all its forms and manifestations.

Elsewhere I have noted that as Americans we are BORN INTO  the American "Original Sin" that of Slavery.  I have claimed that America itself is nothing less than FEUDALISTIC "Plantationism", where "Feudalism" is a Bi-Polar Economy of Land Owners and All Others and Planationism is  (a) Capitalistic Feudalism that MAINTAINS "Serfdom" in its Primal-ly degenerative form, that of Slavery.

I wanted to exaggerate the "Pure" in Puritans because of their Devotion to Freedom, Freedom in the form of Freedom TO BE THEMSELVES AND WORSHIP WHO AND WHAT THEY WILL.

There's this Migratory Mantra ::   "At least HERE we can be FREE."

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