Sunday, December 29, 2019

Cur Age

Some folks want to believe that all you have-ta do to fix the Present is return to the Past and fix THAT.  Let me tell you, confronting Demons in order to slaughter them, to be free of them, to finally SILENCE them, this is the work that requires TREMENDOUS Courage.  The bourgeois NOTION that Confrontation is non-threatening, risk free, and SIMPLE is PROFOUNDLY Preposterous.  AND, as if it couldn't get any worse, the ABILITY to Penetrate contemporary Psychological Fortifications, those Protective BARRIERS that provide Cocoon-like ARMOR, those that were built in order to secure a steadfast TIMELESSNESS, that "Ability" is "time-sensitive" >>meaning<< when I was younger, when my Life was "ahead" of me, I COULD >with the help of my Psychologists< "Brave" that Experience.  I could withstand the Torment, Tumult and Apocalyptic Atrocities I encountered.  I mean, it was either THAT or continue a downward, "burned-out" Spiral, the one where DEATH would be the Ultimate RELEASE.

In those days It was choosing Life or choosing a form of Death.  Clearly, I chose Life.

BUT ..............................

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