Tuesday, December 31, 2019


So...   I learned my sister, Marylou, "passed", "Somewhere Over The Rainbow", at or around Christmas Day.  My Cousin / Baby Sister, Alicia D., sent me the Message, one I waited to retrieve until last night.  Don't be sad -- I didn't "know" her.

I haven't written about her bc of deep-seated Bitterness.  When she was 12 she was given Voice Lessons to be further recognized as a "Child Prodigy".  ALL the family's miniscule resources were directed to HER>> every time she had a recital she was adorned with a new dress, sometimes shoes, and by the time she entered high school she was studying from Maestro Maurice Lewis at the Rhode Island Conservatory of Music.  She received PRIVATE Instruction from him.  When he told them she needed a fucking Piano they bought one for her ---when I needed cleats and baseball trou I didn't even BOTHER to ask them.

THAT'S why I haven't written about her  -  .

Bitterness ?  Stephen be thy name.

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