Tuesday, December 31, 2019

"NYC, just like I pictured it".

There was this time, ya know ?  We had to go to the BIG City---my Sister had an interview at The Julliard School of Music, which was probably set up by Maestro Lewis.  In case you don't know, Julliard was THE Premier Fine Arts Academy of the KNOWN Universe.  NO ONE "got into" Julliard unless they were PRODIGY geniused.  I recall sitting in the Office after she had auditioned.
The Man said something to the effect of  "Mr and Mrs DeSilva, we would be DELIGHTED to have your Daughter study here with us."

The ride home in our Chevy was dark and somber, black even and SILENT.

There wasn't gonna be no Julliard for my Sis.  There was no money for her-- Prodigy or not.

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