Tuesday, December 31, 2019

...to ryte a rong...

I hate, Hate,, HATE writing "About My Self".  I haven't had it any more difficult than MILLIONS of ZILLIONS and to ryte that my life HAS been "Severe" is ruthless Blaspheme.  All I didn't "have" was Familial Equanimity.  The Reason I have such sensitivity to "Injustice" is BC of the "Injustice" I experienced as a Kid.  "Child is Father to the Man"   Believe it !!!

Thing is Childhood "trauma" is responsible, rather, it can be viewed as "responsible", for my Ability, if it can be tagged "Ability", to detect Social Putrefaction. 

My Sister is NOT "responsible" for my------------------------deformities, quite the OPPOSITE actually.
When I returned from Swim Practice she would STILL be at the Upright in probably her THIRD hour of Training, her Voice making the Windows and Walls VIBRATE.  She WANTED.  I learned my "That" from HER.

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