Wednesday, April 20, 2022

"Know thyself---Nothing too much".


          I am going to leave this here for now.  

          The title are the words of the Ancient 'Oracle of Delphi' and parallel, auspiciously, "Seeing into One's Self".  "Nothing too much" means that One can NEVER `Know` every microscopic detail of one's Body and Mind,,, further, it implies the Necessity of Prolonged Duration.  This 'This' does NOT mean there can't ever be a Time of Relaxation and Contentment,, indeed there are island paradises and desert oasis(s) where Suffering is simply a mere and faint odor/fragrance of atmospheric Intimacy, a gentle reminder, as it were, of Future Treks into the Unknown, treks that can reveal the Strength of One's Inmost Sanctity.

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze.


Spiritual Synergism

           Dr. Joseph Campbell, in his The Hero With A Thousand Faces, inspires Us by claiming the "Inward Journey" " for EVERYONE".  I don't disagree but there are `components of valuation` that reflect discomfort in the Exercise of `Good{ly} Intention-ed` Will.   Some Folks value Ease and Comfort and object to ANY Exercise regardless of its Positive Results.   The Difficulties of Sustained Exertion seemingly disqualify them from Self Reflection and Self Penetration.   These Folks are to be regarded with nothing less than Superior Compassion---we OWE this sort of Humanity to Them AND OURSELVES.  [To be True to Ourselves MEANS to be True to Others.]   However, they SHOULD be introduced to the Benefits of even MODEST Training because their Self Enrichment---Enriches ALL of Us by dint of Spiritual Synergism .   Not only are All of Us 'connected' we are Enmeshed due to our Human-Ness.  

          I {personally} find it increasingly Imperative to introduce Buddhism to the Un-Initiated.  Indeed, the "9th SUPER-Power of a Bodhisattva" is,  "Making people turn towards the Buddha's Teaching and [then] Guiding them to Perfection [Enlightenment]".   "Making" is rather a strong `term` since it is synonymous with "Forcing" which is NOT within Buddhist Canon ANYWHERE.   The Introduction at its most Ideal occurs when interested folks ASK about Buddhism.  Here is is where query necessitates GENEROUS Solicitude.  

Call me Gale----Gale Force

           The Kung Fu Disciple begged of the Master, "But if I look truly, will I SEE Truly".  The Master assured him, "It can be done".

          Here, I MUST issue a "Gale Force" warning.   "It" >> the Advance into previously unexplored territories <<  is CHARGED with SUPERNATURAL Energies DESPITE those Energies being of HUMAN Origin, meaning, the Energies of the Mind contain the Power of ANIMAL Instinctuality, "left over" from the discharge of what Levy-Brul refers to as the [le]  "Participation Mystique", a discharge from which true ConsciousNess was then manifested.  It can be said that ConsciousNess SUPPLANTED this UnConscious Animalism.  [It remains a Mystery as to HOW this `supplantation` was actually achieved.]

          Be advised, there are EXTRAORDINARY Difficulties when Mind attempts to 'view' Mind.  [Recall the word 'noumenon'].  These Difficulties are surmounted by "UNRELENTING EXERTION", which happens to be the "7th SUPER-Power of a Bodhisattva".    Here it is, and Here it MUST BE, that Desire-to-Change finds Resource in PHYSICAL Discipline and Spiritual Devotion [to one's Self].  

          I shrt, "Ya gotta wanna".



Heir Conditioner

           It's imperative to 'See', [Realize] {Real Eyes} that We Create the Reality in which We live.   Therefore it is Necessary to Inventory the Sensory Inputs that Influence our Existence not only at a Conscious Level but on the Sub-Conscious and UnConscious Levels as well.  This is no easy task.   Here it is where "Looking Into One's Self" DEMANDS the Strength and COURAGE to look into the Mirror and See "TRULY".  Not only That, but in order to enter the Realms of Health, it may be that CHANGE is required in order to Be "ALL you can be" which is code for, "Being at Peace with One's Self and In Harmony with ALL things".   

          Dr. Allen Wheelis Insists that one must know `where` one is, BEFORE any Change can be implemented.  Here it is where `knowing who you are and of what you are made` is a Necessary "First Step" in the Exploration toward "Self Fulfillment".   Here it is where Delusion, SELF Delusion,, becomes an Obstruction that inhibits and (may) prevent (s) Advance into the Realms of Clarity and Clear-MindedNess.  Here it is where Excuses act as emotional (almost Pathological) "barbed wire".   Here it is where "If Only" acts as Determiner of Unqualified and Qualified Failure, so much so that superior debilitation results FROM  a rabidly aggressive posture of Victim-Ness.  "If Only magnIFIES "It's NOT my fault".   Here it is where "That's Just The Way It Is" harbingers a Misery and Suffering that Denies NECESSARY Adaptations of (to) Self that would result in FAVORABLE Re-Conditioning.

"Seeing Into One's Self"

          {Needful} to say, If Mind "creates the Nature of the Universe" Then Mind also 'creates' the Nature of out Planet's 'Universe'.  I have offered the Perspective that "One's Self" is, the Self of the Universe, that Penetration into "One's Self" is EQUAL to Penetration into the Universe's Self, which `renders` Human ConsciousNess   AS   Universal   ConsciousNess.    Here  it  is  where  "I AM"  is  shrt-form  of  "I AM  >> the Universe".   In the Same Way that one's Body can be 'Trained' so it is with one's Mind.   We Train our Bodies because we desire Health, so too must the Mind be Trained in order to achieve a "Well-Ness" that is marked by Balance, Harmony and Peace,,, a Mind that advantages Level and Plumb, a Mind whose Orientation is `To` the Cardinal Points of Utopian Idealism, [among them] Virtue, Nobility, Grace and above all "Spirituality".   

Kwiksee Surfacion


          Master Fortin sent me an article from "Scientific American" ,,  its February 2022 issue.  The penman, Adam Becker, reports on the newest Theory(s) of 'Space and Time' and of topic, new `Thinking` that Space and Time are NOT "Fundamental" but are [ever] emergent, "...they could arise from the structure and behavior of more basic components of nature".   I settled deeper into Chairy-Chair and  considered the `Import`.  In a few scant seconds, "You create your own Perceptual Reality", surfaced with full recommendation and with it, "The Nature of the Universe is created by 'Mind' alone".  

          'It' didn't stop there.  I kwikly {quiqly}`saw` that Planetary 'Mind' `does` the exact 'Same Thing', meaning, Planetary Consciousness, the Collective Conscious{Ness} of Earth, derived from its Human Population, also generates "Perception" in the exact same `Way`.  

          I am inclined to remove "Perceptual" in order to focus on the seeming Confusion and Opacity of Reality, perhaps an ultimate Concrete of Foundational Existence, a one that is suppose-to "be agreed upon" by individuals of said `Collective` but presently is Ignored by MILLIONS upon BILLIONS who favor an `Advantage{ment}` of non-Scientific Emotional Subjectivity.  Here it is where Truth is NOT considered Important to Existence but Pathological Delusion IS.


Thursday, April 7, 2022

The so-called "Hot Feed"


           I must leave this This here.  

           Care MUST-BE Exercised with regard to History and Its Lessons.  Here, "Care" is the Observance of  [Universal]  Principles of Growth that abound in Nature as NATURAL EXTENSIONS of HUMAN ConsciousNess.  It is Human ConsciousNess that acts as either Definer of Reality or DENY-ER !   


Rock Steady........Steady az She goze....

The Dick in Interdiction

           I have Argued Elsewhere that Religion Fundamentalism DENIES Socio-Political Evolution, and, further, REJECTS any and ALL "Demands of the Time" 's Futurism.  The ABSOLUTE RIGIDITY of a so-called 'Spiritual' Construct acts as BARRIER to True Growth, Development and thus Maturation which would ReOrient and Re-Trajectorize the Common ConsciousNess that REQUIRES and DEMANDS the Adaptability which would Re-Establish Balance, Level-Ness and Plumb to a Present that has been subjected to the NATURAL Manifestations of [the] Chaos, Tumult and Dis-Order that True Growth `Imbues` upon its Populace.  

          It is quintessentially {Phuqed-uP} to inculcate {socio-aggrandize} "Children are our Future" when the Hyper-Psycho-Science BLATANTLY Indicates that is is NOT children but WOMEN !!!!!

          For a Vaporous SECOND "Child is Father to the Man" but it is WOMEN who provide the Dominate Sustenance of Nourishment manifested as Nurture{ment}.  

          You can't miss the "Connect-the-Dots" Image that the Rejection of "Women's Estate" is the REJECTION of the Future.  Here it is where Religion, with all its Status Quo Rigidity, ENABLES the Political  Status  Quo  its  TORTUOUS  CRUELTY  in  the guise of Paternal [Obedience Demanding] Interdiction.

The Flux Dynamic

         The Name of the Mother in my Prayer is Sophia, translated > Wisdom.   Some Biblical Scholars have attributed Creation as  CO-EQUAL Generation.  The Late/Great Dr. Carl Jung posited, in his Alchemical Studies, "Out of the Three comes the One in the form of the Four".  He believed that the Holy Trinity lacked PSYCHOLOGICAL Stability, and therefore DEMANDED a 'Fourth' but not just ANY 'Fourth' ,, the Divine INCLUSION of the Power of the Feminine.  

         Creation needed to be RECEIVED.  As the Womb RECEIVES the Creation Component of Male so it was that the Universe and its EMPTINESS Received the Paternal {Flux} Dynamic.  THERE IS NO LIFE BORN WITHOUT THE FEMALE .  

          The Horror Hegemony DENIES {almost} the very Existence of the NECESSITY of Feminine ABSOLUTISM in the form of ESSENTIAL [Generative] Nature.  The Degradation of the Woman as INFERIOR  >quasi-essential<  is  Despotic  `Cruel-Ism`  elevated  to  GOD-LIKE   [{ Old Testament}]  Acrimony.

Hegemony of Horror

           It was extremely disconcerting to hear a Political Wisdom-er describe Russian, and Hungarian (Authoritarian) Despotism as "Christian Imperialism".  It struck a chord in my Soul.  The Perversion of the American Right manifested as an AGREEMENT with Putin and that Hungarian Neo-Bolshevik What's-his-name, is now a National STANDARD being disseminated as Spiritual {Carnal} Political Propaganda and is being Received by the {Ignorant} 'Masses' as God Blessed Destiny.   Here it is where the Politics of HELL,   have  been  Weaponized  to  become  the  Hegemony  of   Horror  whose  foundation  is  the  Old Testament   NOT   the New Testament Beatitudes of Jesus the Christ-To-Be.  


Echos From Space


           I awoke at 1:10.  Inside my head >> a Gratitude for "Things Given".  I began a Prayer of Thank-Fullity with, "In the Name of the Father, The Mother, Their Son and the Holy Spirit..." a One I'd devised quite some time ago.  Instead of completing the Prayer I was launched into a Space of Female Infinitude and despite my exhaustion from the weak's Demands, I wondered if I shouldn't consider recording the `Echos From Space` that the Prayer and the Mother had somehow `generated`.   So --------here I am.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022



          Militant Idealism is Intellectually and Spiritually adjacent to Nirvanic Utopianism which is nothing more (and nothing less) than Peace and Prosperity which is code for the Condition of Quasi-Absolute Freedom the one that's Foundation is none-other than the Freedom TO BE .  Here it is where Individual Volition is Identified with and connected to the Freedom "TO BREATHE ONE'S OWN AIR", meaning, the UNIVERSAL RIGHT to "Think One's Own Thoughts" and to Live one's own Determination WITHOUT the Psychological and Physical Repression and Oppression that DOMINATES Present Day Socio-Economic Actuality.


Rock Steady........Steady az she goze....


"Drop Dead" Beauty

           Putin's 'Infiltration' of the Donbas Region (Crimea as well ?) began with the deployment of UN-signia-ed soldiery, which he could claim as NON-Russian.  Should we not now invite Willing VOLUNTEERS of NATO and the U.N. to advance into Ukraine and Fight at the sides of Ukrainian FREEDOM Marshals ?  These VOLUNTEERS would be GUARANTEED that they and their Families would receive LIFELONG Annuities for their SERVICE TO HUMANKIND .  

          OF COURSE they would be armed with the Modern Weaponry that affords the UTMOST in PROTECTIVE Lethality.  Here it is where Protective Lethality incorporates "Air Cover" in  the Form of NATO Fighter Jets and `Iron Dome` Patriot Missile Defense Systems .


...then God Himself is a War Criminal

           Condemning Putin with "War Criminal" is the same as condemning the "Father Almighty with that identical appellation.   You can see it rite ?   Should we now, in Surreal Fabrication, attend to the Trial Of The Almighty and crucify Putin with HIM ????? !   Exactly what GOOD would THAT do ???   And yet there IT is, the West's DEFLECTION of OBVIOUS Criminal INSANITY in such a 'way' as to promote some sort of ABSOLUTION from the Venal SIN of Non-Combat Exigency.  

          Putin is LAUGHING because the "joke's on US".



Democracy Created Putin

           Make no mistake {Do not be Deceived} Democracy created Putin IN THE EXACT SAME WAY that Democracy created Trump.  I have contended (and will continue to contend) that Democracy, because of its BIBLICAL `Orientation`, INSISTS (at the Constitutional Level) that Freedom DEMANDS Tolerance even of those that CONDEMN ALL the `Liberal` Freedoms that Democracy is said to espouse.  Worse-- there is a GUARANTEE of {Subversive and even Perverted} Sub-human and CRIMINAL Ideation, a Guarantee of PROTECTION from the Will of the MAJORITY where "Will" manifests as Ethical and MORAL Purity.  

           It is this "Democracy" that REFUSES to Confront, with MILITARY Substantiation, the Efforts of a MADMAN , whose abject HATRED of Democracy is being "visited" upon Innocents, in the same manner as BIBLICAL "Plague and Locusts" 'as if' and 'as though' Putin is some form of MERCILESS and VENGEFUL God whose {SOUL} Intent is the DESTRUCTION of a Civilization he deems as FULLY CORRUPTED.

Dead Man's Bluff

           What's happening in American Politics with regard to Trumpism's `Usurpation` of America's once Constitutional Democracy MUST-BE correctly aligned to the Political 'Dynamics' of NATO and the U.N.'s ABJECT FAILURE to "Respond to the Demands of the Time" .   Here it is where "Failure to Respond" with APPROPRIATE Tenacity {Ferocity} has Identified Democracy and its COWARDLY Agents, (Highest among them {No} Merit Garland) as unmitigationally WEAK.  Garland's Failure to PROSECUTE trump and his Hitlerian-leaning lieutenants is the same as  NATO AND THE U.N.'s Failure to Militarily Confront putin DESPITE Superior Weaponry, Combat Manpower, and Technological Sophistication.  

          It may be assigned to Garland that his FEAR of Political Reprisal from the Seditious "Right" (once they win the the Mid-Terms and therefore the House and Senate) is the foundational CAUSE of his almost comatose Paralysis.  This same FEAR has inundated and SATURATED the Western Conscious leadening it to Immovable Im-Morality.  

         Fear is Fear REGARDLESS of its cloak and mask.  The West's FEAR of Nuclear {DOOMSDAY} Annihilation is SANCTIONING the Grotesque and HEINOUS Atrocities being executed upon INNOCENT Women, Children and the Aged Infirm by putinist INHUMAN Savages. 



          I awoke at 2:15 with the precious "1st Sentence" in my Brain-Mind.  It had a paralyzing effect,  not in my body but in my `head`.  I could see the Arguments, I was breathing them.  For the past few days Herr Hermann Hesse's   If The War Goes On...   had been echoing something of a Clarion Call of Evolutionary Profundity, [that] Humankind was now in the `Initial Stages` of Pre-Destined Ordination, which Dr. Joseph Campbell has designated "The Call To Greatness".   Here it is where the 'Hero' is confronted by OBVIOUS [CRITICAL] Necessity, the one of "The Demands of the Time", a one signaled by URGENCY of ACTION as DUTY and OBLIGATION to Fellow Human Beings whose Existence is now DEPENDENT upon the Strength and BRAVERY of Stronger [COMPASSIONATE] Others.  

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Eating the Anvil "Correc Relationships" (con't)

 "Also, Primary Point ('Before Thinking Mind') can be tasted [experienced ?] as pre-emptive action in space, and action in space. 

"In practicing immersion, sensation, and extinction of self Instructors should hold to the truth of no transcendental self.  Sword and other Kwan Um Do Kwang arts can create an expansiveness of being.  The oppositie of this is a contraction, or morbidity of self, believing one has attained an elevated position.  always remember, 'No attainment with nothing to attain'.

"Correct Sword practice is a sensation [cessation ?] of internal dialogue, right here, right now.  It is the extinction of selfing.  This is the goal of Kwan Um do Kwang.

"Correct Relationship" pp 7,8

 "What is 'correct relationship' moment to moment ?

"This awareness creates a space where the hindrances are revealed during Sword practice.  Instructors should learn how to teach 'Put it all down' and return to 'Just do it' Sword practice.  This vision in Sword practice is the maintenance of 'Don't Know Mind'.  It has been called the 'Motherland' because it is an abode.  Instructors should teach that this abode is "Before Thinking Mind".  This is 'Primary Point' and practicing this vision is practicing in the abode of 'Nothing'.

"Instructors can point to Sword Forms as a platform for 'Primary Point'.  Primary Point is the "Sword of no Sword', it is the Sword of the 'Unfettered Mind', it is special because it already existed.  Sword Forms are a guide for Instructors because Mind Sword practice can cut off attachments to thinking and feelings so they can be digested.

"When Mind Sword practice cuts off the internal dialogue, the Sword becomes 'Clear, like space'.

"Excedrin Headache" P. 7 pp 7 and 8 "Noumenon"

 Editor's note :  "Noumenon" definition : "to perceive the mind" in Kantian philosophy a thing  as it is in itself, unable to be known through perception but postulated as the intelligible ground of a phenomenon..."

"What is Noumenon---Internal dialogue--created by the self ?

"Internal dialogues created by the self are a hindrance to the function of martial arts.  In most Zen schools, the aspects of teaching approach the noumena with questions as aspect to self.  Sit still and ask :  Who am I --- What is this --- What is self --- What is mind Sword ?

"This "Don't Know" [which results] sees the intent and volition in Sword practice.  This leads to the direction of correct relationships, moment to moment ."

Energy Body (con't)

 "Sword practice has no inside, no outside.  Action in stillness, stillness in action.  These are opposite sides of the same coin.

"This reality reflects the world of opposites that are karma bodies are subject to.  There is only one coin, this coin is the Buddha Mind, and Sword cuts off the internal dialogue created by the self, shich craves subject and object.  On this stillness and action there are no opposites; this is the intent and volition of Zen Sword practice."

(end p. 6)

The Energy Body

 "What is the Energy Body ?

"The Energy body is beyond the thinking mind; yet it can be fully realized with Zen Sword practice.  This is not special, it is an experience, a verb.  Zen Sword practice takes that which is hidden as a noun and becomes apparent as a verb.  "Don't Know" is the Dharma words when experience is no longer a noun, but a verb.

"In Zen Sword, you will notice students who have trained for many years gradually become fluid and calm.  This equanimity and quiescence is apparent in action and not as an idea, but a verb.

"Zen Sword Instructors should research Hui Neng the 6th Patriarch.  He presents [the] Platform Sutra.  This non-duality, this correct view, is a mind platform for martial arts.

"It is the Instructor's job to bring students, either quickly or slowly, to a place where they transcend comprehension of Dharma, and realize its substance in action.

"We pose questions during Sword practice, not to seek answers, but for the profound purpose of navigating the unknown---holding a question in space while practicing Sword leads to correct direction."

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Notes on 5 9-17 2021

 "In Zen Sword we cultivate awareness through Intent and Volition when practicing Sword.  Upon completion of of 3rd dan, the awareness of 'karma body' and 'intent' becomes more evident through questioning while practicing the forms .  This is the cultivation of aligning 'Don't Know' with activity.  This part of the practice is not for beginners [and] is a long process, and like the koans and 'herding Pictures' there are successive gates, instructors should contemplate them.

"It has been said 'the 10,000 things return to the one' .  Our karma bodies are the "10,000 things" the energy body is the one.  Sword is our compass."

Kwan Um--Perceive World sound-- is a Macro-Consciousness of Hearing the Sounds of the Universe- an activity that supplants ordinary micro-consciousness of personal space.  Kwan Um Do Kwang is the perception of an Inner Light that Illuminates the Path that leads to{ward} Enlightenment.

Notes on notes 4 9-17 2021

"Sword practice functions like a mirror not just in its capacity for perfect reflection but m,ore deeply for this voidness which holds this capacity.

"As Sword forms navigate in the Unknown---the Mind Sword adapts (adopts ?) to function.  Both 'Sudden Awakening' and 'Gradual Cultivation' arise from the emptiness bestowed by this practice---the practicing of 'Don't Know'.

"The intent in this practice is something 'name and form' cannot explain, and once obtained the 'Unfettered Mind' has the awareness of joy and open-ness an inquivitive 'moment-to-moment' as mind awakened.

P 3 end bottom 9-17 (2021)

 "The Founder of Chogye Order Korean Zen Buddhism, the Venerable Chinul, taught both "Sudden Awakening" and "Gradual Cultivation".   This is Zen Buddhism experience with "Name and Form we get only with Zen.  Zen Sword Practice can transmit as an experience...

"Knowledge is not attainment.  Zen Sword is subject to Sky and Earth.  Our entire life we are surrounded and connected with Sky and Earth.   We are born on this planet---we are part of the Earth's dream, planted on the Earth's surface, we are covered and surrounded by the blue sky.

"This is a continuous event which has much more significance that it appears in our day-to-day life.  The harmony of awakening our perceptions, and vitalizing this existing reality is returning to our 'Original Mind through 'Don't Know'.

"It is not Zen that is awakened in us, rather, we are awakened to reality.  This is unification of sky and Earth.  For Kwan Um Do Kwang this awareness is symbolized by our 3 part wheel insignia.

Notes on notes 3 9-17

"It is Sword Practice that enables the mind to function as mirror.  The martial skill of perfect reflection-in-action is like a mirror's voidness:  this is Mind Sword ."

Mind Sword is an ability of Mind for timeless `All Seeing Vision` of "moment to moment" non-thinking operation.   Here "moment-to-moment" `non-thinking vision` is one's `Inner Eye` viewing the execution of the forms.   During this `operation` the ~thinking mechanism~ is disabled, and thought production ceases.

After years of study and practice the Sword'sMan's Mind attains the Zen Master Quality of being an "Empty Mirror".


Notes on notes 6 9-17

 "Sword practice has no inside, no outside.  Action in stillness.  Stillness in action.  These are opposite sides of the same coin.  There is only one coin, this coin is "Buddha Mind".  This reality reflects the world of opposites.  In this stillness and action there are no opposites.  this is the 'Intent' and 'Volition' of Zen Sword."

The volition to experience this reality of mutually interpenetrative opposites---"stillness in action-action in stillness'"---is the Intention of Sword Practice.

Notes on notes 9-17

"The harmony of awakening our perceptions and vitalizing this existing reality is returning to 'Original Mind' through 'Don't Know' ".

...event evidenced by physical growth and maturation and mental development and sophistication.

The process of awakening our perceptions produces a state of excitation in which 'vitality' can be experienced as "moment-to-moment" "Just Now" Perfection.

"As Sword Forms navigate the Unknown, 'Mind Sword' adapts to function."

During Sword Form Execution when the thinking mechanism has been de-activated and thoughts abated, Mind Sword's `Eye` is opened further and  its far-reaching `All Seeing` vision is enhanced.

Friday, April 1, 2022

"The Doors of Perception"

           We have Survived "The End of the World" .    2012 'came and went' with surprising Ease save  for the "Arab Spring" which planted Seeds of Discontent and PROMISE onto a Planetary Soil DRENCHED with the Blood of Innocents --- which now acts as a fructifying Agent of CHANGE.

           Here MUST-BE Seen that Zelenskyy IS 'Washington' and Ukraine IS America but WITHOUT Slavery Capitalism as National Foundation of `Original Sin`.  Here it is where Democracy is FREE of {In}Humanitarian UGLINESS, here it is where TRUE DEMOCRACY, the one of The Unified Collective can be Grown with PURITY as Fecundity. 

          Philosopher and Drunkard Jim Morrison crooned, "Blood will be born with the Birth of a Nation".

          Understand that the 'spillage' of Blood is not only Necessary but NATURAL .  


Rock Steady........Steady az She goze. 


"Live Free or Die Trying"

            I implore my Readers to 'see' the Parallels of the Ukrainian FORCED Revolution with that of the ANCIENT American Revolution.  Putin stands as King George, Ukraine as Colony America.  At NO Time did Ancient Revolutionaries cry "DEMOCRACY FOREVER".  What WAS Heard was the Call to FREEDOM from British Control, a CLARION Call to UNIFY and DEFEAT the British Rule that Taxed and Tariffed the Nation-to-be with unrelenting Cruelty.   

          So it is with the Ukrainian National Psychology which has Voiced, "We Fight for our WAY OF LIFE" ---NOT for Democracy and CERTAINLY Not for an American Democracy which AGE has caused the most BRUTAL Deterioration so much so that IT has become UNRECOGNIZABLE to Planetary Parliaments.  





           Pro-Delusionists Defend Democracy with a Status Quo Passion that speaks of Patriotic Zealotry in all its MINDLESS Degeneracy .    We have been told and RETOLD that "You gotta fight for Democracy" that it is "Fragile" and can be sustained ONLY by INTENSIVE Vigilance, a Vigilance that DEFIES day-to-day Exertion because of its "Take-it-for-granted" Psycho-Iconotry.   Workaday Americans charge their Elected Politicians to DO the Scrape and Scrub of MENIAL Maintenance NECESSITIES and it is the POLITICIANS who have FAILED and who have unabashedly claimed FUTILITY as INEVITABLE .  

            Does "fucking lazy-ass cocksuckers" get us close ?

            Perhaps not quite. 

Proof of Strife

            Presently, articles are being written by {self-avowed} anti-Delusionists whose use of "wishful thinking" is nothing but romantic intellectual "cos-play" with regard to prevailing political Awareness, the one of "Hope will Conquer All".  Here it is where the KNOWN FACT that Propaganda BREEDS Delusion is Ignored simply because Democracy is SUPPOSE-TA be Free of Intellectual Insolvency.  And yet, the Mainstream and Mainriver News Outlets host White House Speak-Easy-s who propagate notions of Intensive-Efforts-On-Behalf-Of-The-Public-At-Large and who Sanctify even the slightest positives as "PROOF of Life".  

          The BEST of the anti-Delusionists have attempted to explain AmericaKKKan {Illusionment} as the RESULT of RUSSIAN Propaganda propagated by Fox {News}, the NATIONAL Voice of Moscow Metrics.  

          Only Recently has the Explanation been BROADENED to accentuate the ConsciousNess of Street and Gutter Putin/Soviets whose Lives are DEPENDENT UPON Orwell's "Ignorance is bliss"----whose Day-to-Day is the Regard of Politics {and therefore Change} that has Actualized a Belief in Cynicism, the one that regards Truth as some sort of UNATTAINABLE {and inscrutable} Psycho-Dynamic that itself is INSIGNIFICANT.  

          You can't eat Truth.