Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Spiritual Synergism

           Dr. Joseph Campbell, in his The Hero With A Thousand Faces, inspires Us by claiming the "Inward Journey" " for EVERYONE".  I don't disagree but there are `components of valuation` that reflect discomfort in the Exercise of `Good{ly} Intention-ed` Will.   Some Folks value Ease and Comfort and object to ANY Exercise regardless of its Positive Results.   The Difficulties of Sustained Exertion seemingly disqualify them from Self Reflection and Self Penetration.   These Folks are to be regarded with nothing less than Superior Compassion---we OWE this sort of Humanity to Them AND OURSELVES.  [To be True to Ourselves MEANS to be True to Others.]   However, they SHOULD be introduced to the Benefits of even MODEST Training because their Self Enrichment---Enriches ALL of Us by dint of Spiritual Synergism .   Not only are All of Us 'connected' we are Enmeshed due to our Human-Ness.  

          I {personally} find it increasingly Imperative to introduce Buddhism to the Un-Initiated.  Indeed, the "9th SUPER-Power of a Bodhisattva" is,  "Making people turn towards the Buddha's Teaching and [then] Guiding them to Perfection [Enlightenment]".   "Making" is rather a strong `term` since it is synonymous with "Forcing" which is NOT within Buddhist Canon ANYWHERE.   The Introduction at its most Ideal occurs when interested folks ASK about Buddhism.  Here is is where query necessitates GENEROUS Solicitude.  

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