Friday, April 1, 2022

Proof of Strife

            Presently, articles are being written by {self-avowed} anti-Delusionists whose use of "wishful thinking" is nothing but romantic intellectual "cos-play" with regard to prevailing political Awareness, the one of "Hope will Conquer All".  Here it is where the KNOWN FACT that Propaganda BREEDS Delusion is Ignored simply because Democracy is SUPPOSE-TA be Free of Intellectual Insolvency.  And yet, the Mainstream and Mainriver News Outlets host White House Speak-Easy-s who propagate notions of Intensive-Efforts-On-Behalf-Of-The-Public-At-Large and who Sanctify even the slightest positives as "PROOF of Life".  

          The BEST of the anti-Delusionists have attempted to explain AmericaKKKan {Illusionment} as the RESULT of RUSSIAN Propaganda propagated by Fox {News}, the NATIONAL Voice of Moscow Metrics.  

          Only Recently has the Explanation been BROADENED to accentuate the ConsciousNess of Street and Gutter Putin/Soviets whose Lives are DEPENDENT UPON Orwell's "Ignorance is bliss"----whose Day-to-Day is the Regard of Politics {and therefore Change} that has Actualized a Belief in Cynicism, the one that regards Truth as some sort of UNATTAINABLE {and inscrutable} Psycho-Dynamic that itself is INSIGNIFICANT.  

          You can't eat Truth.

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