Tuesday, April 5, 2022



          I awoke at 2:15 with the precious "1st Sentence" in my Brain-Mind.  It had a paralyzing effect,  not in my body but in my `head`.  I could see the Arguments, I was breathing them.  For the past few days Herr Hermann Hesse's   If The War Goes On...   had been echoing something of a Clarion Call of Evolutionary Profundity, [that] Humankind was now in the `Initial Stages` of Pre-Destined Ordination, which Dr. Joseph Campbell has designated "The Call To Greatness".   Here it is where the 'Hero' is confronted by OBVIOUS [CRITICAL] Necessity, the one of "The Demands of the Time", a one signaled by URGENCY of ACTION as DUTY and OBLIGATION to Fellow Human Beings whose Existence is now DEPENDENT upon the Strength and BRAVERY of Stronger [COMPASSIONATE] Others.  

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