Saturday, April 2, 2022

Notes on notes 4 9-17 2021

"Sword practice functions like a mirror not just in its capacity for perfect reflection but m,ore deeply for this voidness which holds this capacity.

"As Sword forms navigate in the Unknown---the Mind Sword adapts (adopts ?) to function.  Both 'Sudden Awakening' and 'Gradual Cultivation' arise from the emptiness bestowed by this practice---the practicing of 'Don't Know'.

"The intent in this practice is something 'name and form' cannot explain, and once obtained the 'Unfettered Mind' has the awareness of joy and open-ness an inquivitive 'moment-to-moment' as mind awakened.

1 comment:

  1. But more deeply in its voidness, the essential quality that creates the mirrors capacity for reflection!…mind swords changeless change is its constant adapting to function in relative terms without self reflection ,,, after name and form drop the rest its pedantic and assinin like me!
