Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Call me Gale----Gale Force

           The Kung Fu Disciple begged of the Master, "But if I look truly, will I SEE Truly".  The Master assured him, "It can be done".

          Here, I MUST issue a "Gale Force" warning.   "It" >> the Advance into previously unexplored territories <<  is CHARGED with SUPERNATURAL Energies DESPITE those Energies being of HUMAN Origin, meaning, the Energies of the Mind contain the Power of ANIMAL Instinctuality, "left over" from the discharge of what Levy-Brul refers to as the [le]  "Participation Mystique", a discharge from which true ConsciousNess was then manifested.  It can be said that ConsciousNess SUPPLANTED this UnConscious Animalism.  [It remains a Mystery as to HOW this `supplantation` was actually achieved.]

          Be advised, there are EXTRAORDINARY Difficulties when Mind attempts to 'view' Mind.  [Recall the word 'noumenon'].  These Difficulties are surmounted by "UNRELENTING EXERTION", which happens to be the "7th SUPER-Power of a Bodhisattva".    Here it is, and Here it MUST BE, that Desire-to-Change finds Resource in PHYSICAL Discipline and Spiritual Devotion [to one's Self].  

          I shrt, "Ya gotta wanna".



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