Friday, April 1, 2022

"Live Free or Die Trying"

            I implore my Readers to 'see' the Parallels of the Ukrainian FORCED Revolution with that of the ANCIENT American Revolution.  Putin stands as King George, Ukraine as Colony America.  At NO Time did Ancient Revolutionaries cry "DEMOCRACY FOREVER".  What WAS Heard was the Call to FREEDOM from British Control, a CLARION Call to UNIFY and DEFEAT the British Rule that Taxed and Tariffed the Nation-to-be with unrelenting Cruelty.   

          So it is with the Ukrainian National Psychology which has Voiced, "We Fight for our WAY OF LIFE" ---NOT for Democracy and CERTAINLY Not for an American Democracy which AGE has caused the most BRUTAL Deterioration so much so that IT has become UNRECOGNIZABLE to Planetary Parliaments.  




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