Sunday, April 3, 2022

The Energy Body

 "What is the Energy Body ?

"The Energy body is beyond the thinking mind; yet it can be fully realized with Zen Sword practice.  This is not special, it is an experience, a verb.  Zen Sword practice takes that which is hidden as a noun and becomes apparent as a verb.  "Don't Know" is the Dharma words when experience is no longer a noun, but a verb.

"In Zen Sword, you will notice students who have trained for many years gradually become fluid and calm.  This equanimity and quiescence is apparent in action and not as an idea, but a verb.

"Zen Sword Instructors should research Hui Neng the 6th Patriarch.  He presents [the] Platform Sutra.  This non-duality, this correct view, is a mind platform for martial arts.

"It is the Instructor's job to bring students, either quickly or slowly, to a place where they transcend comprehension of Dharma, and realize its substance in action.

"We pose questions during Sword practice, not to seek answers, but for the profound purpose of navigating the unknown---holding a question in space while practicing Sword leads to correct direction."

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