Saturday, April 2, 2022

P 3 end bottom 9-17 (2021)

 "The Founder of Chogye Order Korean Zen Buddhism, the Venerable Chinul, taught both "Sudden Awakening" and "Gradual Cultivation".   This is Zen Buddhism experience with "Name and Form we get only with Zen.  Zen Sword Practice can transmit as an experience...

"Knowledge is not attainment.  Zen Sword is subject to Sky and Earth.  Our entire life we are surrounded and connected with Sky and Earth.   We are born on this planet---we are part of the Earth's dream, planted on the Earth's surface, we are covered and surrounded by the blue sky.

"This is a continuous event which has much more significance that it appears in our day-to-day life.  The harmony of awakening our perceptions, and vitalizing this existing reality is returning to our 'Original Mind through 'Don't Know'.

"It is not Zen that is awakened in us, rather, we are awakened to reality.  This is unification of sky and Earth.  For Kwan Um Do Kwang this awareness is symbolized by our 3 part wheel insignia.

1 comment:

  1. This is a zen Buddhist experience beyond name and form that is part of the turning of the dharma wheel which is a way of saying sword forms!Here one could say it is by concious contact with energy as it flows directly in the universe and we are not separated from this event by our thinking mind or personal feelings.
