Wednesday, April 20, 2022

"Seeing Into One's Self"

          {Needful} to say, If Mind "creates the Nature of the Universe" Then Mind also 'creates' the Nature of out Planet's 'Universe'.  I have offered the Perspective that "One's Self" is, the Self of the Universe, that Penetration into "One's Self" is EQUAL to Penetration into the Universe's Self, which `renders` Human ConsciousNess   AS   Universal   ConsciousNess.    Here  it  is  where  "I AM"  is  shrt-form  of  "I AM  >> the Universe".   In the Same Way that one's Body can be 'Trained' so it is with one's Mind.   We Train our Bodies because we desire Health, so too must the Mind be Trained in order to achieve a "Well-Ness" that is marked by Balance, Harmony and Peace,,, a Mind that advantages Level and Plumb, a Mind whose Orientation is `To` the Cardinal Points of Utopian Idealism, [among them] Virtue, Nobility, Grace and above all "Spirituality".   

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