Thursday, April 7, 2022

The Flux Dynamic

         The Name of the Mother in my Prayer is Sophia, translated > Wisdom.   Some Biblical Scholars have attributed Creation as  CO-EQUAL Generation.  The Late/Great Dr. Carl Jung posited, in his Alchemical Studies, "Out of the Three comes the One in the form of the Four".  He believed that the Holy Trinity lacked PSYCHOLOGICAL Stability, and therefore DEMANDED a 'Fourth' but not just ANY 'Fourth' ,, the Divine INCLUSION of the Power of the Feminine.  

         Creation needed to be RECEIVED.  As the Womb RECEIVES the Creation Component of Male so it was that the Universe and its EMPTINESS Received the Paternal {Flux} Dynamic.  THERE IS NO LIFE BORN WITHOUT THE FEMALE .  

          The Horror Hegemony DENIES {almost} the very Existence of the NECESSITY of Feminine ABSOLUTISM in the form of ESSENTIAL [Generative] Nature.  The Degradation of the Woman as INFERIOR  >quasi-essential<  is  Despotic  `Cruel-Ism`  elevated  to  GOD-LIKE   [{ Old Testament}]  Acrimony.

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