Sunday, April 3, 2022

Eating the Anvil "Correc Relationships" (con't)

 "Also, Primary Point ('Before Thinking Mind') can be tasted [experienced ?] as pre-emptive action in space, and action in space. 

"In practicing immersion, sensation, and extinction of self Instructors should hold to the truth of no transcendental self.  Sword and other Kwan Um Do Kwang arts can create an expansiveness of being.  The oppositie of this is a contraction, or morbidity of self, believing one has attained an elevated position.  always remember, 'No attainment with nothing to attain'.

"Correct Sword practice is a sensation [cessation ?] of internal dialogue, right here, right now.  It is the extinction of selfing.  This is the goal of Kwan Um do Kwang.

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