Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Kwiksee Surfacion


          Master Fortin sent me an article from "Scientific American" ,,  its February 2022 issue.  The penman, Adam Becker, reports on the newest Theory(s) of 'Space and Time' and of topic, new `Thinking` that Space and Time are NOT "Fundamental" but are [ever] emergent, "...they could arise from the structure and behavior of more basic components of nature".   I settled deeper into Chairy-Chair and  considered the `Import`.  In a few scant seconds, "You create your own Perceptual Reality", surfaced with full recommendation and with it, "The Nature of the Universe is created by 'Mind' alone".  

          'It' didn't stop there.  I kwikly {quiqly}`saw` that Planetary 'Mind' `does` the exact 'Same Thing', meaning, Planetary Consciousness, the Collective Conscious{Ness} of Earth, derived from its Human Population, also generates "Perception" in the exact same `Way`.  

          I am inclined to remove "Perceptual" in order to focus on the seeming Confusion and Opacity of Reality, perhaps an ultimate Concrete of Foundational Existence, a one that is suppose-to "be agreed upon" by individuals of said `Collective` but presently is Ignored by MILLIONS upon BILLIONS who favor an `Advantage{ment}` of non-Scientific Emotional Subjectivity.  Here it is where Truth is NOT considered Important to Existence but Pathological Delusion IS.


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