Saturday, April 2, 2022

Notes on notes 3 9-17

"It is Sword Practice that enables the mind to function as mirror.  The martial skill of perfect reflection-in-action is like a mirror's voidness:  this is Mind Sword ."

Mind Sword is an ability of Mind for timeless `All Seeing Vision` of "moment to moment" non-thinking operation.   Here "moment-to-moment" `non-thinking vision` is one's `Inner Eye` viewing the execution of the forms.   During this `operation` the ~thinking mechanism~ is disabled, and thought production ceases.

After years of study and practice the Sword'sMan's Mind attains the Zen Master Quality of being an "Empty Mirror".


1 comment:

  1. No voidness is the essential quality that a mirror has that provides it with the capacity to reflect clearly. , blue comes blue red comes red!the swordsman attains no. Thing which is the empty mirror
