Thursday, April 7, 2022

Hegemony of Horror

           It was extremely disconcerting to hear a Political Wisdom-er describe Russian, and Hungarian (Authoritarian) Despotism as "Christian Imperialism".  It struck a chord in my Soul.  The Perversion of the American Right manifested as an AGREEMENT with Putin and that Hungarian Neo-Bolshevik What's-his-name, is now a National STANDARD being disseminated as Spiritual {Carnal} Political Propaganda and is being Received by the {Ignorant} 'Masses' as God Blessed Destiny.   Here it is where the Politics of HELL,   have  been  Weaponized  to  become  the  Hegemony  of   Horror  whose  foundation  is  the  Old Testament   NOT   the New Testament Beatitudes of Jesus the Christ-To-Be.  


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