Tuesday, April 5, 2022

"Drop Dead" Beauty

           Putin's 'Infiltration' of the Donbas Region (Crimea as well ?) began with the deployment of UN-signia-ed soldiery, which he could claim as NON-Russian.  Should we not now invite Willing VOLUNTEERS of NATO and the U.N. to advance into Ukraine and Fight at the sides of Ukrainian FREEDOM Marshals ?  These VOLUNTEERS would be GUARANTEED that they and their Families would receive LIFELONG Annuities for their SERVICE TO HUMANKIND .  

          OF COURSE they would be armed with the Modern Weaponry that affords the UTMOST in PROTECTIVE Lethality.  Here it is where Protective Lethality incorporates "Air Cover" in  the Form of NATO Fighter Jets and `Iron Dome` Patriot Missile Defense Systems .


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