Friday, April 1, 2022

"The Doors of Perception"

           We have Survived "The End of the World" .    2012 'came and went' with surprising Ease save  for the "Arab Spring" which planted Seeds of Discontent and PROMISE onto a Planetary Soil DRENCHED with the Blood of Innocents --- which now acts as a fructifying Agent of CHANGE.

           Here MUST-BE Seen that Zelenskyy IS 'Washington' and Ukraine IS America but WITHOUT Slavery Capitalism as National Foundation of `Original Sin`.  Here it is where Democracy is FREE of {In}Humanitarian UGLINESS, here it is where TRUE DEMOCRACY, the one of The Unified Collective can be Grown with PURITY as Fecundity. 

          Philosopher and Drunkard Jim Morrison crooned, "Blood will be born with the Birth of a Nation".

          Understand that the 'spillage' of Blood is not only Necessary but NATURAL .  


Rock Steady........Steady az She goze. 


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