Sunday, April 3, 2022

"Excedrin Headache" P. 7 pp 7 and 8 "Noumenon"

 Editor's note :  "Noumenon" definition : "to perceive the mind" in Kantian philosophy a thing  as it is in itself, unable to be known through perception but postulated as the intelligible ground of a phenomenon..."

"What is Noumenon---Internal dialogue--created by the self ?

"Internal dialogues created by the self are a hindrance to the function of martial arts.  In most Zen schools, the aspects of teaching approach the noumena with questions as aspect to self.  Sit still and ask :  Who am I --- What is this --- What is self --- What is mind Sword ?

"This "Don't Know" [which results] sees the intent and volition in Sword practice.  This leads to the direction of correct relationships, moment to moment ."

1 comment:

  1. The internal dialogue as created by the self (7th conciousness) is the attachment to wanting , holding , checking or making which in fact what the mind does In noumena,, the stream comes from and returns to the void, without attachment the mirror like capacity of the swordsmens function is clear space and so infinitely adaptable in function,the phenomena can be seen as the initial cause of phenomena but the attached mind paint legs on the snake.Hence phenomena Head of a drago,tail of a snake alludes to noumenistic compounding via attachments this fetters the mind and weakens the sword so it drops from voidness into the world of opposites.Also Theravadan definition of noumena is somewhat different than Kants western view point as it expands selfing to include memories subject to emotions , the ground of hidden bias,Subconsciously controlling the flow of discrimination,,,hence the attribute called the 6 bandits , those that steal reality from the first 6 conciousness’s eyes ears nose tast touch discrimination,Don’t know doesn’t see anything it is open and empty , this breaks the separation of samahdi and prajna, intent and volition in sword practice .They are not 2, non dual any longer
