Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Democracy Created Putin

           Make no mistake {Do not be Deceived} Democracy created Putin IN THE EXACT SAME WAY that Democracy created Trump.  I have contended (and will continue to contend) that Democracy, because of its BIBLICAL `Orientation`, INSISTS (at the Constitutional Level) that Freedom DEMANDS Tolerance even of those that CONDEMN ALL the `Liberal` Freedoms that Democracy is said to espouse.  Worse-- there is a GUARANTEE of {Subversive and even Perverted} Sub-human and CRIMINAL Ideation, a Guarantee of PROTECTION from the Will of the MAJORITY where "Will" manifests as Ethical and MORAL Purity.  

           It is this "Democracy" that REFUSES to Confront, with MILITARY Substantiation, the Efforts of a MADMAN , whose abject HATRED of Democracy is being "visited" upon Innocents, in the same manner as BIBLICAL "Plague and Locusts" 'as if' and 'as though' Putin is some form of MERCILESS and VENGEFUL God whose {SOUL} Intent is the DESTRUCTION of a Civilization he deems as FULLY CORRUPTED.

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