Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Dead Man's Bluff

           What's happening in American Politics with regard to Trumpism's `Usurpation` of America's once Constitutional Democracy MUST-BE correctly aligned to the Political 'Dynamics' of NATO and the U.N.'s ABJECT FAILURE to "Respond to the Demands of the Time" .   Here it is where "Failure to Respond" with APPROPRIATE Tenacity {Ferocity} has Identified Democracy and its COWARDLY Agents, (Highest among them {No} Merit Garland) as unmitigationally WEAK.  Garland's Failure to PROSECUTE trump and his Hitlerian-leaning lieutenants is the same as  NATO AND THE U.N.'s Failure to Militarily Confront putin DESPITE Superior Weaponry, Combat Manpower, and Technological Sophistication.  

          It may be assigned to Garland that his FEAR of Political Reprisal from the Seditious "Right" (once they win the the Mid-Terms and therefore the House and Senate) is the foundational CAUSE of his almost comatose Paralysis.  This same FEAR has inundated and SATURATED the Western Conscious leadening it to Immovable Im-Morality.  

         Fear is Fear REGARDLESS of its cloak and mask.  The West's FEAR of Nuclear {DOOMSDAY} Annihilation is SANCTIONING the Grotesque and HEINOUS Atrocities being executed upon INNOCENT Women, Children and the Aged Infirm by putinist INHUMAN Savages. 

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