Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Heir Conditioner

           It's imperative to 'See', [Realize] {Real Eyes} that We Create the Reality in which We live.   Therefore it is Necessary to Inventory the Sensory Inputs that Influence our Existence not only at a Conscious Level but on the Sub-Conscious and UnConscious Levels as well.  This is no easy task.   Here it is where "Looking Into One's Self" DEMANDS the Strength and COURAGE to look into the Mirror and See "TRULY".  Not only That, but in order to enter the Realms of Health, it may be that CHANGE is required in order to Be "ALL you can be" which is code for, "Being at Peace with One's Self and In Harmony with ALL things".   

          Dr. Allen Wheelis Insists that one must know `where` one is, BEFORE any Change can be implemented.  Here it is where `knowing who you are and of what you are made` is a Necessary "First Step" in the Exploration toward "Self Fulfillment".   Here it is where Delusion, SELF Delusion,, becomes an Obstruction that inhibits and (may) prevent (s) Advance into the Realms of Clarity and Clear-MindedNess.  Here it is where Excuses act as emotional (almost Pathological) "barbed wire".   Here it is where "If Only" acts as Determiner of Unqualified and Qualified Failure, so much so that superior debilitation results FROM  a rabidly aggressive posture of Victim-Ness.  "If Only magnIFIES "It's NOT my fault".   Here it is where "That's Just The Way It Is" harbingers a Misery and Suffering that Denies NECESSARY Adaptations of (to) Self that would result in FAVORABLE Re-Conditioning.

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