Saturday, May 27, 2023



                   I'm way past time.  Please forgive an old man.

          Pop Culture has illuminated the fact that zombies do not have "Heart" nor do vampires.  What they DO share is Predation---they both prey upon the Healthy for the continuation of their existence(s).    Elsewhere I have depicted the AmeriKKKan [Republican] "Lunatic Fringe" as ZOMBIES and have extended Marx's view of the Vampiric Nature of the Ruling Elite and its congress, the [decadent] Bourgeoisie .   Here it  is where the  INHUMAN aspects of both can be characterized by CRUELTY .  

            Cruelty as Political Ideology .   

            Biden is yet to correctly render DeSantis and his as ANTI -Civilization and ANTI-Future.  The AmeriKKKan republiKKKan* party is one of TRIBAL Savagery---a one wherein Cruelty to fellow Human Beings is Existential NORM .  

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze....

"Heart and Soul baby, Heart and Soul"

                         I've yet to reconcile the definition of ideology with the definition of myth.   I argue that Democracy is a Myth and not just an {a political} Ideology .   The thing about myths is that they can be believed WHETHER OR NOT they are True in a physical RATIONAL Sense.  It is, however, IMPERATIVE to know that BOTH are MENTAL Constructs ---and that BOTH must be scrutinized because of the Affects and Effects they produce on the Psyche of the American Body Politic. 

            {G.I.} Joe Biden insists that the American Body Politic has a SOUL.  From WHERE did THAT come?   Are  we  then  to  extrapolate  that  America  has  a  "Heart" ?  If so, what is ITS 'Nature' ???   

            I believe we MUST "believe" that America does indeed have a Heart--for what would the BODY Politic BE without a physical Heart ?   The metaphor would not 'hold' to be True .  

            Further, we must understand Heart to be an Earth-bound Manifestation of Love .  I don't like this THIS one bit,, since  the  definition  of  Love  is splattered throughout this Galaxy and MANY others .   Here it is where Compassion TRANSCENDS Love --and ITS Influence is Cosmic Absolute {Mythologically* speaking of course}.

            Whereas the Heart somewhat binds us to Planetary Considerations, it is the SOUL that binds us {binds is a poor choice here, sorry} to UNIVERSAL Spiritual Amalgams .




Elliot Ness


                    The term "Body Politic" demands "Mind Politic".   The word 'politic' should encompass the mutual interpenetration of  both physicality and Spirituality but in our modern world it does not.   I must insist on "Mind Politic" because by its application I can then insert an offshoot of Jung's "Collective Unconscious" what I have tagged the `Collective Conscious`, i.e., the fables, stories, tales, legends, and MYTHS that define American Mental Existence .   Make note that this Mind Politic is not just the Street and Gutter Politics of pedestrian {ho hum} mental activity, but also the Sub and UN Conscious 'NESS' that influences our day-to-day 'movements' both overt and covert .  

Friday, May 26, 2023

Death by Congress

                     Still--------------STILL there is NO "Sense of Urgency" among the nit-wits, numb-skulls and ASSHOLES who we have elevated to Protector-ship*.  Know where they are in the midst of this HORRIFIC >>>LIFE THREATENING<<< CRISIS ?    They ABANDONED their Posts !!!!!!!!!!!!!  

            COWARDS each and every !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            In the Face of ABJECT >>DIRE<< NECESSITY they chose to go on Holiday !!!!

            They want us to Trust them.  ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            Congress as Terrorist Satrap.   

            "Actions speak louder than words"  :


Rock steady........Steady az She goze....


Lunatic Fringe

           Trump has RAPED Pandora---grabbed her 'box' and torn it asunder.   He has UNLEASHED All and EVERY  Manner  of  Demon,  Ghost,  Monster  and  Hell Being  which  have  been  Venerated and WORSHIPED by McCarthy and his LUNATIC FRINGE.   

          Recall Trump's daily INSANITY when he Threatened GLOBAL ANNIHILATION because of his EGOMANIACAL DELUSIONS .   He held a Nation HOSTAGE !!   Now see what we are experiencing once again---this time at the hands of Trump's henchmen and henchwomen*.  Once again we are at the Mercy of >> LUNATICS<< ---those that would bring about the CATASTROPHIC Disaster of Political ATROCITY manifested as Budget Insolvency .  Good, Honest,, and Decent Folks  may NOT receive the very monies that they DEPEND on for LIFE !!   Defenders of our Nation will NOT be paid !!!  The Poor and Indigent, the Aged and the Weak will DIE !!!  These folks are AMERICAN CITIZENS -- Democracy Loving and TRUSTING Peoples who BELIEVED in the Sacrosanctity of  their Citizenship .  


The Rule of Cruel

                     Will Trump's Indictment and his POTENTIAL Incarceration actually CHANGE the Collective ConsciousNess of the average {UN}United States Citizen ?   2 words :  YES !!!!!   MILLIONS  of "Us" long for at least SOME 'display' of Justice's POWER ---to be utilized in the Name of Average Juan and average Juanita --- that we may experience RELIEF .   This Relief manifests as a reassertion of Truth--the Truth of Law and Order and ITS penitentiary OBLIGATIONS .   

          I ask my Fellow Citizens to REMEMBER how Trump and his DID NOTHING to address the wholesale SLAUGHTER of the American Populace as the Corona Virus MASSACRED millions .   Are to to ACCEPT this Hitlerian-like GENOCIDE as a NORMAL Condition of Human Nature ?   Is there to be NO Retribution {Divine or otherwise} for  his Actions of  SUB-HUMAN Cruelty ??? 


"Jack be nimble, Jack be quick"


                   My "Great Expectations" are riddled with doubt, suspicion, contempt and aggravation.   We, as a Nation, have 'been here' before.  I was one who thought that Mueller would be an "Axe Man", a one who would fell the Mighty with Seven Strokes of his two-headed Axe .   I believed in his history, in his rhetoric, in HIS beliefs, but I did Not question his age---------I should have. 

          Now it's Jack Smith's 'turn'.   We have been informed he is of the same ilk as Mueller---only younger---stronger---more aggressive and more assertive .   Will he bring about the Indictment of Trump?  Will he FINISH his Assignment {?} to bring Justice to bear on a man who masterminded the the 1-6 Insurrection ?  

          Once again we {as in 'I'} are at the Juncture of Myth and Reality---the Location of Desire and Craving---the Desire for Justice the Craving for Retribution .   Here it is were Sorrow and Misery have descended upon the People with ravaging penetration.  Here it is where Thirst and Starvation have become the day-to-day hardscrabble of political {socio-emotional} Atrocity.  

          Are we to be Rescued {Delivered} by ONE Man and his Cohorts {Consortium} ?  We are plagued by the Myth of the Savior, taken to the streets by the Knight In Shining Armor and his Midnight-Black War-Horse.   

          I want Smith to tear the Sword from Justice's feeble and atrophied hand and USE it to administer the Law and ALL its Punitive Sagacities*.   

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Ugliness is sin deep .


                    Faulkner resigns, "It was snowing and it was-gonna snow".   

          It's ugly and it's gonna-get uglier.


Rock steady........Steady az She goze....




"The Murder of Crows"

                    I NEED my Readers to KNOW that {justice} Clarence Thomas is Harlan Crow's BOY.  Here, my use of "Boy" is code for NIGGER .   Make no mistake .  Thomas is Crow's SLAVE.  There `aint-no` "friendship"---Thomas is BOUGHT and PAID-FOR and with him the ENTIRETY of America's {less-than{ Supreme Court.  {Almost} EVERY American Citizen will contort, "THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA".    The REVERSAL of  "Roe V. Wade" is {Condemnational*} PROOF of  Supreme Court pitiless CORRUPTION.   Honor, Integrity, and Virtue lie in an open cesspool of  grotesque injustice atrocities ---the stench of which can be experience in every breath of Citizen repugnance .  

          Gentle Readers know that AmeriKKKan republiKKKans* are willing to DEMOLISH Democracy in order to ENSURE their position as FASCIST Rulers .  But also be AWARE that the republiKKKans ENJOY the Hate-filled Disposition of an AmeriKKKan [decadent] BOURGEOISIE whose ideals do NOT reside in Political Compassion .  Here how a Decadency that would make Marie Antoinette swELL with Pride .   Some of you may recall the depiction, "Ugly Americans"---there is no more fitting appellation .


                     A few eternities ago I warned that should trump* be elected he would transform America into HIS "likeness".   This has come to pass.  Trump is known to REFUSE to pay his contractors, workers and even his lawyers, "beating" them "out of" MILLIONS of dollars.  America's most recent debacle, the so-called "Debt Crisis" is a DIRECT manifestation of Trumpian {Ego-Ism*} i.e., the REFUSAL to pay for items, programs and infra-structure constructs that are VITAL to Americans .   The republicans have NO "interest" in Democracy---the Will of the MAJORITY of American Citizens--- indeed , present day analysis reveals their OVERT Desire for Authoritarian Rule---the abject DISMISSAL of the needs and dependencies of sub-Middle class citizens .  Now when I use "Authoritarian Rule" it is nothing short of romanticizing FASCISM .   One need only examine the FASCISM being `implemented` by that truly RACIST NAZI what's-his-name DeSantis .   DeSantis is a Hitler-ite*, a book burner and Academia Annihilist* whose Egoism is BLATANT   >TOTAL RECALL< of pre-WWII Germany .  


The Will Of Fraud


                    Yesterday's 'news reels' informed that Putin has sanctioned Amercicans {AmeriKKKans*} that engaged in Jan, 6 coup d'etat Treason .   The Liberal pundits of MSNBC were stunned, as were all of us.  They [the pundits] described Putin as "a man with his back against the wall", a man desperate to survive a War and therefore willing to do ANYTHING to maintain his position.  These sanctions [according to the liberal pundits] indicate a DIRECT alignment, if not flat-out ALLEGIANCE, to Trump and Trumpism.  Putin is said to believe that Trump's election is the ONLY 'way' he can continue the War in Ukraine---to bring it to a RUSSIAN Victory --- solely because Trump and the AMERIKKAN* Republican Party will steadfastly REFUSE to deliver arms and munitions to Ukraine.  

          American is BROKEN-------------believe it .

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Arapachana Manjushri


                    It's late-I'm leaving this here.

          I'm leaving you with this Sacred Text :  The Bodhicaryavatara of Santideva .  Here is the pronunciation in Gutter Phonetics :  bow dee CAR yuh vuh TAR uh  [of] Shon tee DAY vuh .

          It is a Manual of Training for those who seek Bodhisattva-hood .

Rock steady........Steady az She goze... .


"Money Changes Everything"

                     Be certain to FULLY appreciate Combat Compassion by understanding that Combat Compassion is ALWAYS {administered} from a position of HEAVY Superiority.  Superiority is Acquired by Years and YEARS of INTENSIVE Training and UTMOST Devotion to one's Discipline.   From this 'Position' there is actually NEVER a "Need" to prove one's Self to ANY-body let alone some half-assed jamoke who fancies him or her self a Specialist in the Arts.  

          This same "some-such" can be applied to Bodhisattva's who {administer} Compassion to needy Others who are themselves devoid of Existential Resources and EARTHLY Resources as well.   There is a compelling description of a Bodhisattva in the Bible, commonly known as "The Good Samaritan".  Here a gentleman Passerby chances upon a one who has suffered Affliction .  The Good Samaritan seeks to alleviate the Suffering and provides Silver to a `Local Heavy` that he may assist the Afflicted with Medicines and Care.  Understand this :   The Good Samaritan HAS THE MONEY to offer such Aid--Here now we can conclude that this Citizen is 'of ' some Well-To-Do Class .   Poverty stricken Others HAVE NO SUCH MEANS and their only option {option is crude, forgive me} is to offer Commiseration .  

          Money is Power and Power is Superiority .   Believe it .


Code For Combat Engagement

                     There are MANY 'those' who devotedly and stubbornly Believe that Sword has NO 'place' within Buddhism .  I challenge their Belief on every conceivable and IN-conceivable level.   History has evidenced the slaughter of Buddhist monks at various Times .   Cosmic {Evolutionary} Buddhism sought to implant Self Defense as Protective Agency within its Super and Supra Structure in order that the Buddha's Truths and Teachings be maintained .   Chinese Kung Fu Masters received Buddha's Teachings with Alacrity because of their Taoist Legendaries*.  Buddhist Philosophy not only Enhanced Ancient Taoist Teachings but it helped to REDEFINE Existential Doctrines of  Taoist{now-Buddhist} Acclimations*.  [Here now a "Marriage made in Heaven"].

          Any Debate of 'Martial Arts In Buddhism' must be held in abeyance at this juncture ---instead I will offer my years of Study as Introduction to American Zen Sword and Bodhisattva Warrior ----Implications.

          I must begin with the Kung Fu Code For Combat Engagement .

1.  Run Away from ANY potential conflict--

2. Deter rather than hurt--

3. Hurt rather than main--

4. Maim rather that Kill--

5. Kill or be killed-- .

          Here it is where Compassion resides in ALL 'Conditions'.


Calm Passion


                    Where-ever I am at 7:45 that's where I'm-gonna*  leave this . 

          It's not SUPER-Impossible to work outdoors, just Impossible.  We received in access of two inches last night ---everything is saturated.  I mean, it's Laundry Day anyway, and I've multiple loads of sweat and filth infected garments and work attire that require SIGNIFICANT attention.  I over-wear my work uniforms because I don't want 83 loads of jeans, T's and hoods ~~~  but over use means several small loads anyway ---it's a conflict .

          I invite my Blog Readers to join my "One Flower Zen" 'club'.  The present Topic is Compassion as it relates to Generosity and Charity specifically.   I confess, I do NOT know how to teach Compassion, especially because Compassion itself is difficult to relate given the nature of Martial Combat .  One might ask, "Where is there Compassion in Sword {?} given its deadly Nature ?"   That question is Valid but it is 'in' the Realm of  > Those Who Are Unfamiliar with Sword and Sword Techniques < especially those of Shim Gum Do.

          Let's take some time to examine a few aspects of  American Zen Sword .


Friday, May 19, 2023

S--t--r--e--t--c--h bed Mutant


                    I'm cold and my ribs are beginning to ache,  it always happens .

         I'm leaving this here.

         There is no Steve DeSilva without Hermann Hesse.   That statement is actually a Formula .   It looks like this :   Self = A + B + C + D blah blah blah .   

Rock steady........Steady az She goze ... .


                    By now you've probably asked, "Why does this fucking ASSHOLE need a tandem trailer and/or S--T--R--E--T--C--H bed Mutant ????"   Two words ---TRANSFER !  
          I had to use the lead pipe rollers to move an 800 pounder* about 15 feet.   In the "olden days" it would have taken five trips from the mini-barn to the job site and the weight of the pipes themselves is damaging to these old bones and wizened sinews .   If I had a transport device I could simply load ALL of them and draft-horse the retinue to the Stone in just ONE 'trip'.   Understand that I have NO legs.   {Doing Sword means I gotta SKIP the jumps and execute the Forms with GREAT Care and Measure !!! } I CAN, however, use what little I have left to BE a draft-horse .   Hence, the S-t-r-e-t-c-h Wagon.  The longest pipes measure 5 feet .   

           I always thought I would continue and ENHANCE the Work of my Mentor and HERO Hermann Hesse.   I figured with my Zen Sword Training and Buddhism Studies as well as my Study of the I Ching I could DEFINITELY produce a Logical Progression of {Revolutionary}  Intellection that would make HIM smile .   Remember where he "left -off" in Steppenwolf---he was 'after' Hermine, a Woman of Soul for whom he had a  'lust'.   Here now the highly sought after "Union With The Cosmic Female" -- the Evidence of Interior Totality --the one in which Wholeness is manifested as Marriage {so to speak}.   
          Arrogance speaks of Wonders .   Believe it.  

Center of Depravity

                    You'd think that such innovation GENIUS would be something to be Proud of--------well---- think again.   After phuqing*-around for HOURS and DAYS admiring my handiwork I had a Revelation.  Why not just hook the two remaining carts TOGETHER???!!!!!!!!!!!  Trust me here on this one Qidz*--I'm just as DUMB as I look.       All I had to do was fasten the steering handle to the rear bed of the lead wagon and VOILA !!!  Tandem Trailer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I was both ELATED and MORTIFIED at the same time .   After I'd tested the contraption {con-CRAP-tion} I sat down to FULLY appreciate my Geriatric  Imbecility .   

          WHY  OH  WHY  HADN'T  I  SEEN  THIS  SOLUTION  TO  BEGIN  WITH   ???????!!!                   

          I calmed myself.  

          I looked again....    


" Keep on truckin' "

                     I had "all kindza* problems with hand-truck functionality, meaning, using the "two-wheeler" FORCED upon me strain and frustration---you gotta* pay attention to maintain balance and to literally 'guard' each step---things topple when you think they shouldn't --I HATE that.   I decided the ONLY "way to go" was to use the landscape wagon [and or Cart if you prefer."  Thing with THAT ??? NOT ENOUGH SPACE !  Know what I did ?   I cut in half the junk wagon I got at Compass Hardware {Hard Where} just by asking for it.   I added tubes to junk tires I had lying about --giving them [and it] a new 'rolling' life.   I then sawed a GIANT pallet in half [long-ways] {along the 'y' axis} and used it as the cargo bed.  I had to invert it thereby providing SUPER-solid sides and INHUMAN Strength.   I bolted on the steering truck and the rear truck to the sawed pallet,  not once, not twice, but THREE times .  Just so you know,,, the "truck' is the axle and wheels---it's the same on railroad rolling stock,  the wheel assembly is referred to as a truck .   

         Genius rite* ????   But wait...........................................................there's more.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

"edible delectables"

                    The gardens are "in".   In order to increase the harvest I dragged six five hundred pounders* to the rear of the cucumber bed in order to rim a 7 x 7 area which would then accommodate pumpkins.  The size of the mini-boulders and the leaves of the pumpkins should be pleasingly proportionate [and out of the {fucking} way of edible delectables*].     I filled the area with the processed leaves- leaves that I machine shredded and composted over the Winter.  I had mixed then with shitty soil with the expectation they would partially `dissolve` thereby creating a nutrient laden growth medium.   To be honest, I DIDN'T want to haul all those leaves to the Transfer Site, I wanted to utilize them in a PRIMARY way, as Fertilizer or something close to Fertilizer.   I sat for HOURS feeding the Machine but it WASN'T >>Work<< it was Low-Order Meditation---the one of Physical {Productive} Value.  I figured I processed 6,349,477,376, 872, 749, and a half individual leafs* .   That's a verifiable approximation based upon my Mental Illness.

"No brain, no pain"


                    My body awakened me at 12:30 a.m.  I was both suffocating and drowning at the same time. {Is that even possible???}  Two words, 'allergies'.   One of the kittens, Saffron, heard me rustle and jumped onto the bed, she began to purr, but not the purr of contentment, rather, the purr of "Pappa, I am STARVING".   I got up to relieve myself and her hunger .  There would be no return .

          I forewent* my Recitations and prepared this morning's coffee---once brewed I got a mug and settled into "Chairy-Chair" ----Mercifully there was nothing in my head----I luxuriated in that Emptiness for what I THOUGHT was five hour and a half  later here I am.

          The back injury that has prevented me from 'desk-time' has healed.  I know that because yesterday when I had to load a stubborn {won't start} mower into the cargo bed of the pick-up I felt no Pain.  I sit here at ease, save [for] the Suffering of the World .  Now, in the listlessful* Silence of Early Morning / Late Night Splendor I feel well enough to unload 'What's on my Mind" ---which is WEIRD because I just informed you my head was Empty .   



Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Pen Chant

                     Dawn approaches-------I must greet Her with Expectation and Faith.

          I'm leaving this here.  I'm digging a 40 x 30 x 15 area to accommodate a "water element" that has been sorely missing in the overall Design.   Make no mistake here Qidz*---I am running away from the Misery of Frustration and Ideological Exasperation .  In this I am COMPLETELY Selfish .


Rock Steady........Steady az She goze... .



The Land Down Plunder

                     Know this about Middle Africa :  the Chinese and the Russian have initiated a whole-sale PLUNDER of MANY Middle African Countries and cloaked their Hegemony and Imperialism with the shower of fraud-ridden Charity .   The development of national Infrastructures [roads, railways, and such] GUARANTEES the movement [transportation] of those NATIONAL Resources NOT for the Betterment of said Nations but for the naked and SAVAGE Profit of the "Colonizers".  

         The U.S. is NOT free from Guilt.   The U.S. Military has in access of 900 satraps spread throughout Africa to aid in the establishment of national Police and Military Forces .   The thinking went something like this :  "If we don't get in there first, China and Russia WILL."

          The Problem is the Indoctrination of the resident Youth [to] a Militaristic National Consciousness that seeks to supply JOBS to the Nations' Young Men and Women .   Without INDUSTRY there is NO "Choice" for these PRECIOUS .   Zen Master Mick Jagger asks the Ultimate Question, "What's a poor boy to do?"--save become a Street Fighter/Man ?????

Sympathy for the Revel

                     The Sun Star School of Zen Sword requires that Red Belts instruct White Belts .  I NEVER tell my Red Belts that by doing so they will "take-on" the Karma of the New.   When I was in the Temple I never fully realized WHY almost none of the Black Belts wanted to teach classes because they KNEW the `difficulties` surrounding this complexity .    The Teacher 'becomes' Responsible for the Student's Achievements AND Failures .   It sucks but THAT is the True Nature of Instruction [generally].

          When you befriend a 'someone' you 'take on' their Karma .   Their Suffering becomes YOUR Suffering .   So it is with their Poverty, Wealth, Emotional Excitations* and their Depressions---indeed, All that is theirs now becomes YOURS.  

          Let that 'sink in' for a moment ............................................... .



                   I awoke from a dream in which there was a large party at my new residence.  Apparently my apartment mates, who I DIDN'T know, decided on a "house warming" gala and had invited the multitudes.  Of particular interest was that this location housed a complete radio studio,  I looked in on it and believed the owner would allow me access if I supplied him with copy and text of  dialogs* I wished to broadcast ---as well as Music of course .

          I have taken on the Karma of quite a few Africans, those of Northern and Middle Africa [several from South Africa as well] and I have concerns that Modern Technology has caused an "Imbalance of the Skandas" .   Many of {the Precious} THEM do NOT list ANY Occupation on their Introduction and I fear they have none.  How do they 'get' and maintain their cellular devices without a job or occupation ?  When asked they have refused to respond.  It's troubling.

Monday, May 1, 2023

"...and Mayflowers bring people."


                    It's stopped raining.  I'm leaving this here .

          Further reading :

What Color Is Your Parachute ?

Gods In Every Man

Gods In Every Woman

The Media Is The Message 

ANYTHING by Anais Nin

The Spirit Of Man In Art and Literature

Psychological Types 



Rock Steady........Steady az She goze... .

The LIE in b-e-L-I-E-f

                     "What are your likes?" is not suppose-to-be a tough question .   It's not as if you were asked, "What is your 'True Nature'" or, "Can you define your Existence using Zen Buddhist Quantum Mechanic Theory?"  I mean >"I"<  can but hey that's just me .  And so you know, my answer is just this :  My Existence is foundationed* upon the "Mutual Interpenetration of all phenomena" .   On the Street it looks like this : "Life is {like} a cloud that appears, Death is {like} a cloud that disappears".  

          TOUGH questions begin with "Do you believe in" as in, "Do you BELIEVE IN "Reincarnation" and even "Do you Believe in UFO's?" .  THESE question involve the Core of one's Selfhood* and 'get at' the Essence of one's "Inmost Being".    There's an ABUNDANT amount of Humor in, "Do you Believe in Gravity?"  ,, "Do you Believe in Electricity ?"   Here's one of the MOST BRUTAL :  "Do you BELIEVE in your Self?"  That one is definitely punishing and almost  LETHAL .

The Why's have it .

                     If you [yourself] do NOT know what you like, which appears by every and ALL accounts, to be the easiest of intimate self knowledge, exactly what do you use, in reality, to describe yourself to  others ?    The great Comedian Jerry Seinfeld delivered this classic Beauty, "Do you like pizza ?  Cuz if you do we can be BEST FRIENDS forever."   I have a couple of Favs I use to trip-uP unsuspecting passers-by, I call out, `Do you like electricity ? Cuz if you do we can be best friends.`  I tried this one, `Do you like GRAVITY ?  I don't know where we'd be without GRAVITY`.  I even hollered out, `Do you like heat ?  I LOVE heat----it keeps me WARM.`  Most often I get quizzical expressions of confusion, rightly so I suppose .   My guess is that most folks are NEVER asked whether or not they like GRAVITY or Electricity for that matter, let alone Heat .   

          No one has EVER responded with the obvious, "Why do you ask?"  I don't know why---but there IS a manifestation of Loneliness expressed by me [and others] --a manifestation that is itself an expression of yearning-a yearning for contact, a contact that presupposes social intercourse---------I mean there's THAT.

"Punch and Judy"


                    I am APPALLED that folks do NOT know what they >like< .   Worse, they cannot state even a FEW of "their favorite things".   How the fuck is that even POSSIBLE ????? !!!!!

          {Outwardly} good, common, and decent folks use, "I haven't given it any thought" or "I don't think about those things" as an EXCUSE for DIS-cognitive IR-rationality .   In our world of "You are what you do", and "You are what you eat"--it seems IMPERATIVE to understand that "You ARE what you LIKE"---in the sense that "You are what you like" is something of a tool to help you describe yourself to others IN AN INTELLIGENT MANNER .   I  ESPECIALLY  take  umbrage  at those who exclaim {in joyous delirium} that they "like EVERYTHING".  I feel like punching them in the face and then asking, "How's THAT, do you like THAT ?? !!!" .

          I have Issues------------------SERIOUS fucking Issues ....................... .