I'm way past time. Please forgive an old man.
Pop Culture has illuminated the fact that zombies do not have "Heart" nor do vampires. What they DO share is Predation---they both prey upon the Healthy for the continuation of their existence(s). Elsewhere I have depicted the AmeriKKKan [Republican] "Lunatic Fringe" as ZOMBIES and have extended Marx's view of the Vampiric Nature of the Ruling Elite and its congress, the [decadent] Bourgeoisie . Here it is where the INHUMAN aspects of both can be characterized by CRUELTY .
Cruelty as Political Ideology .
Biden is yet to correctly render DeSantis and his as ANTI -Civilization and ANTI-Future. The AmeriKKKan republiKKKan* party is one of TRIBAL Savagery---a one wherein Cruelty to fellow Human Beings is Existential NORM .
Rock Steady........Steady az She goze....