Friday, May 26, 2023

The Rule of Cruel

                     Will Trump's Indictment and his POTENTIAL Incarceration actually CHANGE the Collective ConsciousNess of the average {UN}United States Citizen ?   2 words :  YES !!!!!   MILLIONS  of "Us" long for at least SOME 'display' of Justice's POWER ---to be utilized in the Name of Average Juan and average Juanita --- that we may experience RELIEF .   This Relief manifests as a reassertion of Truth--the Truth of Law and Order and ITS penitentiary OBLIGATIONS .   

          I ask my Fellow Citizens to REMEMBER how Trump and his DID NOTHING to address the wholesale SLAUGHTER of the American Populace as the Corona Virus MASSACRED millions .   Are to to ACCEPT this Hitlerian-like GENOCIDE as a NORMAL Condition of Human Nature ?   Is there to be NO Retribution {Divine or otherwise} for  his Actions of  SUB-HUMAN Cruelty ??? 


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