Tuesday, May 23, 2023

The Will Of Fraud


                    Yesterday's 'news reels' informed that Putin has sanctioned Amercicans {AmeriKKKans*} that engaged in Jan, 6 coup d'etat Treason .   The Liberal pundits of MSNBC were stunned, as were all of us.  They [the pundits] described Putin as "a man with his back against the wall", a man desperate to survive a War and therefore willing to do ANYTHING to maintain his position.  These sanctions [according to the liberal pundits] indicate a DIRECT alignment, if not flat-out ALLEGIANCE, to Trump and Trumpism.  Putin is said to believe that Trump's election is the ONLY 'way' he can continue the War in Ukraine---to bring it to a RUSSIAN Victory --- solely because Trump and the AMERIKKAN* Republican Party will steadfastly REFUSE to deliver arms and munitions to Ukraine.  

          American is BROKEN-------------believe it .

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