Tuesday, May 23, 2023


                     A few eternities ago I warned that should trump* be elected he would transform America into HIS "likeness".   This has come to pass.  Trump is known to REFUSE to pay his contractors, workers and even his lawyers, "beating" them "out of" MILLIONS of dollars.  America's most recent debacle, the so-called "Debt Crisis" is a DIRECT manifestation of Trumpian {Ego-Ism*} i.e., the REFUSAL to pay for items, programs and infra-structure constructs that are VITAL to Americans .   The republicans have NO "interest" in Democracy---the Will of the MAJORITY of American Citizens--- indeed , present day analysis reveals their OVERT Desire for Authoritarian Rule---the abject DISMISSAL of the needs and dependencies of sub-Middle class citizens .  Now when I use "Authoritarian Rule" it is nothing short of romanticizing FASCISM .   One need only examine the FASCISM being `implemented` by that truly RACIST NAZI what's-his-name DeSantis .   DeSantis is a Hitler-ite*, a book burner and Academia Annihilist* whose Egoism is BLATANT   >TOTAL RECALL< of pre-WWII Germany .  


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