Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Sympathy for the Revel

                     The Sun Star School of Zen Sword requires that Red Belts instruct White Belts .  I NEVER tell my Red Belts that by doing so they will "take-on" the Karma of the New.   When I was in the Temple I never fully realized WHY almost none of the Black Belts wanted to teach classes because they KNEW the `difficulties` surrounding this complexity .    The Teacher 'becomes' Responsible for the Student's Achievements AND Failures .   It sucks but THAT is the True Nature of Instruction [generally].

          When you befriend a 'someone' you 'take on' their Karma .   Their Suffering becomes YOUR Suffering .   So it is with their Poverty, Wealth, Emotional Excitations* and their Depressions---indeed, All that is theirs now becomes YOURS.  

          Let that 'sink in' for a moment ............................................... .

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