Sunday, May 21, 2023

Calm Passion


                    Where-ever I am at 7:45 that's where I'm-gonna*  leave this . 

          It's not SUPER-Impossible to work outdoors, just Impossible.  We received in access of two inches last night ---everything is saturated.  I mean, it's Laundry Day anyway, and I've multiple loads of sweat and filth infected garments and work attire that require SIGNIFICANT attention.  I over-wear my work uniforms because I don't want 83 loads of jeans, T's and hoods ~~~  but over use means several small loads anyway ---it's a conflict .

          I invite my Blog Readers to join my "One Flower Zen" 'club'.  The present Topic is Compassion as it relates to Generosity and Charity specifically.   I confess, I do NOT know how to teach Compassion, especially because Compassion itself is difficult to relate given the nature of Martial Combat .  One might ask, "Where is there Compassion in Sword {?} given its deadly Nature ?"   That question is Valid but it is 'in' the Realm of  > Those Who Are Unfamiliar with Sword and Sword Techniques < especially those of Shim Gum Do.

          Let's take some time to examine a few aspects of  American Zen Sword .


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