Saturday, May 27, 2023

"Heart and Soul baby, Heart and Soul"

                         I've yet to reconcile the definition of ideology with the definition of myth.   I argue that Democracy is a Myth and not just an {a political} Ideology .   The thing about myths is that they can be believed WHETHER OR NOT they are True in a physical RATIONAL Sense.  It is, however, IMPERATIVE to know that BOTH are MENTAL Constructs ---and that BOTH must be scrutinized because of the Affects and Effects they produce on the Psyche of the American Body Politic. 

            {G.I.} Joe Biden insists that the American Body Politic has a SOUL.  From WHERE did THAT come?   Are  we  then  to  extrapolate  that  America  has  a  "Heart" ?  If so, what is ITS 'Nature' ???   

            I believe we MUST "believe" that America does indeed have a Heart--for what would the BODY Politic BE without a physical Heart ?   The metaphor would not 'hold' to be True .  

            Further, we must understand Heart to be an Earth-bound Manifestation of Love .  I don't like this THIS one bit,, since  the  definition  of  Love  is splattered throughout this Galaxy and MANY others .   Here it is where Compassion TRANSCENDS Love --and ITS Influence is Cosmic Absolute {Mythologically* speaking of course}.

            Whereas the Heart somewhat binds us to Planetary Considerations, it is the SOUL that binds us {binds is a poor choice here, sorry} to UNIVERSAL Spiritual Amalgams .




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