Monday, May 1, 2023

The Why's have it .

                     If you [yourself] do NOT know what you like, which appears by every and ALL accounts, to be the easiest of intimate self knowledge, exactly what do you use, in reality, to describe yourself to  others ?    The great Comedian Jerry Seinfeld delivered this classic Beauty, "Do you like pizza ?  Cuz if you do we can be BEST FRIENDS forever."   I have a couple of Favs I use to trip-uP unsuspecting passers-by, I call out, `Do you like electricity ? Cuz if you do we can be best friends.`  I tried this one, `Do you like GRAVITY ?  I don't know where we'd be without GRAVITY`.  I even hollered out, `Do you like heat ?  I LOVE heat----it keeps me WARM.`  Most often I get quizzical expressions of confusion, rightly so I suppose .   My guess is that most folks are NEVER asked whether or not they like GRAVITY or Electricity for that matter, let alone Heat .   

          No one has EVER responded with the obvious, "Why do you ask?"  I don't know why---but there IS a manifestation of Loneliness expressed by me [and others] --a manifestation that is itself an expression of yearning-a yearning for contact, a contact that presupposes social intercourse---------I mean there's THAT.

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